Quick Loot Drop Questions

Hey guys, just thought of some quick questions and I'm not sure if it's been discussed before.

When I kill an enemy or monster, will I be able to see their specific loot on the ground and be able to tell immediately what item it is? Or will I have to walk over their dead body and bring up a menu to show what loot dropped? Will other players be able to see the items I dropped from a monster?

I think it would be nice to be able to see the items dropped immediately instead of having to run over and open a menu on every monster I kill. At the very least maybe a colored glow or particle effect of the highest rarity that was dropped so that it will be easy to tell whether or not that kill is worth looting.


  • Keep in mind the game is in a pre-alpha state, and no one can say with certainty.

    1)When I kill an enemy or monster, will I be able to see their specific loot on the ground and be able to tell immediately what item it is?
    A: Almost certainly not, an exception would be loot from raids. That would be distributed via loot rules decided by the raid leader.

    2)Will I have to walk over their dead body and bring up a menu to show what loot dropped?
    A: This is most likely.

    3)Will other players be able to see the items I dropped from a monster?
    A: Almost certainly not, an exception would be loot from raids. That would be distributed via loot rules decided by the raid leader.

    About your final comments, monster won't likely drop rare pieces of equipment all the time. The crafting system is more about giving components to players so they can fuel the crafting economy. That being said, rare monsters dropping a rare weapon or armor piece could be expected. All that being said, a particle effect representing rarities of drops on a monster would be really nice. :smiley:
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