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Importance of parsing

RodyaRodya Member
edited August 2020 in General Discussion
Hi, I haven't seen many videos on this game (can you blame me, there's tons) but I have heard it mentioned that:

EXP gain from kills is tied to DPS/parse
Loot gain from kills is tied to DPS/parse

Is this true? Any other classic wow players here that see this as a big problem? I foresee endless patching of the parsing algorithm and millions of threads complaining about it.


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    AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    It's the dps of your group or raid not your dps
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    NiraadaNiraada Member
    edited August 2020
    Looting rights to slain mobs are based on tagging and damage done. eg. If you and an unrelated party each deal 50% of a mob's HP in damage to it, whoever tagged it first will receive looting rights.

    If you've been fighting a boss or miniboss, it's at 30% HP and some people try to swoop in to steal it for loot, because you've already dealt 70% of its hp in damage, you'll retain looting rights.

    If that same scenario happens but they showed up when the boss was at 80% HP, and the other party manages to deal 70% of its total HP in damage, they would likely receive looting rights.

    Regardless of looting rights, your party receives a portion of the mob's xp value proportionate to the damage it dealt to achieve the kill.

    Your party does 70% of its hp in damage, you get 70% of its xp, to be divided among party members. You also likely gain the right to loot it.
    Your party does 20% of its hp in damage, you get 20% of its xp, to be divided among party members. You have no rights to the mob's loot.

    (edited for clarity)

    Also worth noting is that these simplified explanations don't take into consideration things like HP regeneration or healing a creature might possess, or multi-phase mechanics where a creature could conceivably die as part of its encounter design before returning to continue battle.

    This is just a generalisation of my understanding, and by no means comprehensive.
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    Thanks for the detailed explanation Niraada. Would the group that did 20% of its hp get 20% of the loot, or does it all go to the 70% group?

    Seems like a weird mechanic that is a clear deviation from the norm - have they said why they prefer this system as opposed to looting/exp rights being based purely on tagging?
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    AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Rodya wrote: »
    Thanks for the detailed explanation Niraada. Would the group that did 20% of its hp get 20% of the loot, or does it all go to the 70% group?

    Seems like a weird mechanic that is a clear deviation from the norm - have they said why they prefer this system as opposed to looting/exp rights being based purely on tagging?

    I can only assume it's to encourage another raid to come grief you in the back as soon as you pull the boss then killing it while you are respawning.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Aardvark wrote: »
    I can only assume it's to encourage another raid to come grief you in the back as soon as you pull the boss then killing it while you are respawning.

    Open World Raid Dynamic:
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    As a DPS that sympathizes a lot with fellow healer/support classes I really hope Steven thought about healing/buffing as a contribution factor. These classes are aimed at other roles than dishing out damage so... yeah
    "Magic is not a tool, little one. It is a river that unites us in its current."

    I heard a bird ♫
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    AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Valento92 wrote: »
    As a DPS that sympathizes a lot with fellow healer/support classes I really hope Steven thought about healing/buffing as a contribution factor. These classes are aimed at other roles than dishing out damage so... yeah

    That is why it is group raid dps not your dps.
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    Rodya wrote: »
    Thanks for the detailed explanation Niraada. Would the group that did 20% of its hp get 20% of the loot, or does it all go to the 70% group?

    Seems like a weird mechanic that is a clear deviation from the norm - have they said why they prefer this system as opposed to looting/exp rights being based purely on tagging?

    Looting rights aren't divided. Only XP gains.
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    Aardvark wrote: »
    Valento92 wrote: »
    As a DPS that sympathizes a lot with fellow healer/support classes I really hope Steven thought about healing/buffing as a contribution factor. These classes are aimed at other roles than dishing out damage so... yeah

    That is why it is group raid dps not your dps.

    Damage Done, as opposed to dps. I know people tend to use these interchangeably, but in this particular case a lack of specificity could cause needless confusion.
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