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Is there any plans of a Cross-Platform for this game?

Mandragoran21Mandragoran21 Member
edited August 2020 in General Discussion
Hello! I'm Lan. I've been a fan of Ashes of Creation since last week when I saw LazyPeons youtube video ^_^

my question is, is there any plans of a Cross-Platform for this game? like a mobile and console game platform, I think it would be really fun to reach out to different kinds of players to see in this world.
cuz you know mobile devices these days are powerful enough to play these kinds of games I know PVP would be very difficult to compete through mobile
but in casual gamers who like to play the through mobile because your out or away in their pc it would be really great also think many aspects of this game
can be played in mobile or in console :) I guess questing doing profession or other aspects of this game can be done on mobile and console to :)



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    I heard a few nos from content creators for Ashes. Not from the developers themselves. I don't think it will though. You will need a keyboard to play as not talking is not going to be an option to play effectively.

    U.S. East
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    Topcatrs88Topcatrs88 Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    The Devs have stated in past development updates that there are no plans for console releases.
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    According to the AoC Wiki there are plans for a mobile app post launch but not sure what kind of functionality will be available within the app.
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    Pretty sure the app isn't to play the game, but to manage different services within the game like guild/trade skills/auction house maybe
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    Making the game compatible with mobile devices and consoles whilst also having cross platform servers would mean gameplay would suffer severely, pace would need to be limited and slowed down a lot for non-computer players to even be able to compete aswell as the fact that you’d more than likely have to limit the spellbook per class to accommodate for the lack of buttons on a controller.

    I’m all for people playing on mobile or consoles, just not for this game. This sort of cross compatibility is like a death sentence for me, we do play on PC to not have to deal with these fundamental restrictions after all.
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    VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I personally don't want any of that non-sense. Cross platform games almost always end of with slower patch cycles due the extra effort and red tape that comes with dealing with other platforms.

    If they absolutely cant help themselves and must make a mobile app. I would hope that it is only, in game chat/mail. Just to be able to keep in touch with the clan on the go.

    MMO's should be played in a chair with a keyboard and mouse.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
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    Do you guys not have phones? but seriously with what seems like up to 30 skills, 250v250 battles and communication being important this game just isn't for mobile and console gaming. Though I could maybe picture the battle royale eventually released to those platforms to draw in new players.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited August 2020
    Dierseus wrote: »
    with what seems like up to 30 skills
    Unfortunately, we will only be able to have 12 or so of them active at a time. A respec will be needed to change the active abilities, and they only happen in nodes.

    The combat system seems like it is designed with console gaming in mind (even if not the first thought), and Intrepid have said in the past that they may look at porting the game to consoles post launch. The comment is currently searchable on the games FAQ for anyone that cares to look.
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