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Aoe zones and classes

Hi all, i have a question for Steven, back in Lineage 2 world there were Aoe zones like necropolis/catacombs and specific clases like Destroyer/Warlord who were specialized in agrrowing large groups of mobs and using a spear/polearm they could smash entire groups. Are there any classes and zones like that in Ashes? It's one of the things that i liked about Lineage 2 and i heard that Steven took some inspiration from the game.


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    HillefuegoHillefuego Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I would also like to be able to make some niche build that specializes in AoE farming specific groups or areas. It something I though was really cool in Ragnarok Online where you could gather specific items to kill specific mobs really quickly but then thats almost the only thing you can do with that build. Its a cool investment mechanism I think but AoE grinding might not really have a place in this game.
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    DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    @Hillefuego I would say to go for a Mage/Mage build with AoE augments.
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