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Just some thoughts

So I have watched some gameplay footage and few interviews. And i just wanted to share some thoughts.

- UI scale ? will there be a possibility to scale UI ? or maybe display health in % looking at the party bars it looks kinda small on my screen.
- Enemy health bar and enemy colors. Is there a possibility to see all the enemy health bars top of the enemy? Like that if there is 5 mobs you could see 5 different bars.
Also hoping that players could change the colors of the enemy, looking at one of the gameplay demos enemy text looks like light red and some are black,blue ? For me, the easiest would just be red green yellow.



  • Options
    Wandering MistWandering Mist Moderator, Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    We've been told that the UI will be modular and fully customisable. Whether that suits your requirements or mine remains to be seen. At the very least there should be a colourblind option.
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