Guild sizes

I'm not sure if this was already talked about, I am new to the forums. However I'd really like to see a purpose to both larger guilds AND smaller guilds. There are many games where numbers are all that matters but I really like to play in a guild of 10 to 25 people. If ashes makes me feel like my small guild has purpose too , that would be absolutely amazing!


  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    On the personal front, I'd enjoyed 25 man Guilds too - When the End Game Content was 24 Man Raids, but, as soon as 40 Man Raids came along I preferred to be in 50 Man Guilds. I do enjoy smaller guilds overall, I prefer skill to numbers, how large my current Guild will grow however, remains to be seen.
  • XenantayaXenantaya Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    The ways guilds work is that they get skill points. Those skill points can be used to increase the size of the guild, OR for various buffs and enhancements for guild members. So a small guild can use those skill points for buffs instead of increasing the size of the guild, so that the smaller guild's members should be more effective person-for-person than the members of a larger guild. Thus, small guilds might have a place as elite strike squads in castle / node sieges, be able to get through small scale PvE content more quickly, etc.

    Here's the AOC wiki discussing guild skill points and the guild size vs. buffs tradeoff:
  • Cold 0ne FTBCold 0ne FTB Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    When it comes to guild size in my experience, you should always try to aim to have a membership count around 30% greater than the expected group size for the content you want to do. For a guild dedicated to doing 40 man raids you should aim to have atleast 60 active people in the guild. As much as it sucks to not be able to participate all the time, it sucks far worse to plan on doing x thing but not being able to because you cannot fill a role. What my guild does and this works really well for us is we have different tiers of members in our guild. These tiers are based on a few things: skill at the game, willingness to change/adapt builds, participation in raids and a general positive attitude. The people that demonstrate these the most get the priority positions. We then slowly open up spots as we get closer to the date we plan on running the content. Typically we do off schedule events too these events are open and newer or lower tier people get a chance to prove themselves.

    So my point is, you can create a smaller tier guild and probably be successful at the game but first you should determine what content you want to do. After that determine how many you want and how hardcore you want the guild to be. Just be aware that without the help of other guilds you will likely not be able to do the bigger content like castle seiges.

    That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
  • Thank you so much for the quick replies! I am really liking the guild point system Xenantaya mentioned! Thats exactly the kind of system I was hoping for 😁 and when it comes to what ColdOneFTB said, I love your guild layout very much, however I feel like I'd prefer to have a elite squad of mercs who might get hired by a larger guild to fight in big battles.
  • Neurath wrote: »
    On the personal front, I'd enjoyed 25 man Guilds too - When the End Game Content was 24 Man Raids, but, as soon as 40 Man Raids came along I preferred to be in 50 Man Guilds. I do enjoy smaller guilds overall, I prefer skill to numbers, how large my current Guild will grow however, remains to be seen.

    I agree 100% to skills > numbers
    Zerging can kinda ruin things sometimes
  • Neurath wrote: »
    On the personal front, I'd enjoyed 25 man Guilds too - When the End Game Content was 24 Man Raids, but, as soon as 40 Man Raids came along I preferred to be in 50 Man Guilds. I do enjoy smaller guilds overall, I prefer skill to numbers, how large my current Guild will grow however, remains to be seen.

    I agree 100% to skills > numbers
    Zerging can kinda ruin things sometimes

    Except big guild will hold all the power to shape a server
  • Cold 0ne FTBCold 0ne FTB Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

    Thank you so much for the quick replies! I am really liking the guild point system Xenantaya mentioned! Thats exactly the kind of system I was hoping for 😁 and when it comes to what ColdOneFTB said, I love your guild layout very much, however I feel like I'd prefer to have a elite squad of mercs who might get hired by a larger guild to fight in big battles.

    You could definitely do that

    That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
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