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Gear and Upgrades, here's how to make gear upgrades meaningful without breaking the game

BorusBorus Member
edited August 2020 in General Discussion
See my last post on leveling and upgrades.

While armor, health and dmg increases are all apart of the average and generic mmo, I have a dream for a better system. I believe gear should only change health, armor and the dmg increases should be swapped for ability modifiers.

%dmg increase makes the game require scaling, heres how to change that. (be sure to look at my leveling and skills post)

instead of a gear piece increasing overall damage, have armor give some dmg but focus more on the modifiers

Here are some examples

Cast/swing speed (haste) gives decreased cast speed at the cost of damage (dps increases still) (for a fast mob killing spec)

area of effect increases gives increased swing arc/spell AOE at the cost of slower/swing time (for a castle seige spec)

reduced resource cost (for long fights)

speed/dodge (for quick resource collecting

increased damage (at the cost of defence for the glass cannon build)

Elemental damage/resist - increase damage/resistance to one element while reducing your defense from the opposite type of element (this would make the meta ever changing, if warriors are running flame blades and doing too much dmg just use frost effects to counter them)

Gear would give an armor value that decreases the dmg of other attacks ( I cant tell you how much I love systems that make it easy to understand IE: 1 armor = 1 less damage taken from enemy attacks

Armor types: don't limit classes from using other armor types, but players will make meta tactics

Heavy - increase health and armor by the most but increase activity time and reduces speed

Medium - middle ground

Low - more speed/activity time with less armor

Area Gear- leveling

You shouldnt be using the same gear in the desert as you do in the tundra. Making gear location relevant would create a huge diversity in specs and skills. Fire spells might be learned in the south but strongest in the north. set bonuses should give you an incentive to stay in an area a while and get the best gear for that area. It would also give you a ~half reset in power once you complete an area, learn your spell and move to the next.

Gear - Max level

Once you've conquered multiple areas you could take the gear you've acquired and combine it via a high level skiller. this would give a power increase and also encourage the profession system. It would also give the lower player the ability to contribute to the economy and have a purpose for high level players
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