Open world dungeons!! Why I’m excited for them!!

I used to play Dark age of Camelot a lot in its day, I still from time to time play on the free server. There is a dungeon called Darkness Falls, in which all 3 realms had access to. If you didn’t have it you would just log off that toon while you did so when you lost it you could log in and go roam for RvR. Going in there in an 8 man group to farm gear and seals was always exciting and kept you on the edge of your seat!!! Bc around every corner you didn’t know if there was a group of the opposite realm waiting for you or also farming the room you wanted. Some very epic battles took place in there especially if all 3 realms where involved lol.

I get pumped just thinking of being in an 8 man group going to one of these dungeons fighting our way down and finding a guild or some random 8 man group farming and things get heated and battles erupt for rights to that dungeon room.

I would love to see groups meeting outside and choosing 1 of there group mates to represent them in a duel for rights to that room for like an hr. Kind of like in the beginning to The movie Troy. Goosebumps friends!! Gosh I hope Steven and the team deliver on this game!!!


  • I've never heard of this before, it sounds really cool! Was it like walking around a giant maze and all of a sudden you'd find real people?
  • It was indeed like a labyrinth. There where times when groups would meet you at your realms entrance and other times you would run into them on there turf!!! Should be videos on YouTube DAoC darkness falls... if you want to know what castle sieges will be like you can also YouTube DAoC for that as well.
  • Mazes have a great potential for insanely fun PvX content. Hope they think about this down the road, it reminds me of June Catacombs from Allods Online.
    "Magic is not a tool, little one. It is a river that unites us in its current."

    I heard a bird ♫
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