Hello all, dropping back in to check up!

NelsonRebelNelsonRebel Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
Hey guys/gals just checking in on everyone and everything!

It has been a busy year with a lot going on so I haven't had the chance to follow this games progress as much as I wanted to. I hope everyone has been safe and doing well though!

I have a couple questions to re-educate some details here if you could answer at your leisure I would appreciate it!

1. Is Ashes of creation in a phase of testing playability with a constant site and server access yet? I have the Leader of Men package but have forgotten a lot of details with everything as again the past year has been busy and hectic with a lot of stuff.

2. Is AoC still going to be PC only? I am capable of PC play but I hope there is a avenue to use a hands-on-controller as it is just far more comfortable for my hands and wrists.

3. Are there any signifigant news on development that are interesting or have changed in the past year that vary from the origianlly planned phases like content promises or things that may have been pushed back for after game launch.

Thats all I can think of! Thanks again
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