PVP,: Who can I kill?

I understand other races or factions will be open season, and I've heard of the guild war system. Does the pvp stop there?

I'f I'm a Ren'Kai in a Ren'Kai town and a fellow Ren'Kai slights my honor or betrays an arrangement we had for payment of some crafted items, would I be able to settle up with them with some physical combat? Can I betray my own leaders at will/at all?
Where words fail, music speaks.” ― Hans Christian Andersen


  • JubilumJubilum Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter
    Your understanding is incorrect about other races and factions. I would suggest reading the pvp section of the wiki first then we can have an informed discussion.
  • BoomBoom Member
    edited August 2020
    Just read through this. https://ashesofcreation.wiki/PvP

    Says you can't kill within a freehold. Is a town considered a freehold, or is this just referring to player housing and booths? If I'm not in the player housing plot but AM in the streets in front of the city hall, can I kill there or is the entire civilized area considered a safe zone at that point?

    Pseudo-Factions/social organizations (same thing) were mentioned as killable. In hunting grounds, would a Ren'kai be able to make the choice of killing another Ren'kai, guild member or not? It does suggest I can decide to make good or evil decisions, but not to what extent.
    Where words fail, music speaks.” ― Hans Christian Andersen
  • FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Freehold = player housing purchased in the open wold. A player can have several housing options at once, but only one freehold per account (1 total for all servers).
  • JubilumJubilum Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter
    edited August 2020
    Ok, since you did the leg work. i will attempt to clarify the pvp in AoC as best I can. There are others here much more versed on the subject than myself. But, over the last 3 years I have listened to every kickstarter interview, monthly dev update, every content creature interview, and frequently participated in the many heated discussion on these forum.

    PvP in AoC is based on a flagging system with green = non-combatant, purple = combatant, and red = corrupted. There is a graphic on the wiki that will visually explain https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Player_flagging this better than my typing skills. PvP has really nothing to do with your faction or organization, and all about the above flagging mechanic. Unless you are in one of the many PvP designated areas, either temporary or persistant.

    To answer your specific question. If you are in a town and flag yourself as a combatant and you come across another player flag as combatant you are more than welcome to begin a fight with him. Now if you wish to attack a green player that is another issue, it has been suggested that the town guards may intervene to protect the law abiding citizen. This however has not been a strong confirmation. Whether it is or isn't the case if you kill the green making no attempt to defend himself, you will be hit with corruption when you kill him. This means you can be attacked by any other players in the area and/or the guards who ignored your initial assault.

  • BoomBoom Member
    Thank you, Jubilum. I'm liking the other player not having to flag themselves to be brought into combat.
    Where words fail, music speaks.” ― Hans Christian Andersen
  • It's more that there is virtually no rules and there are just certain safe zones you can't fight in.

    U.S. East
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