Traditional Raids?

XenantayaXenantaya Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
edited August 2020 in General Discussion
I know Steven recently talked about AOC having 12-15 world raid bosses. Will the game also have "traditional" raids like WoW's Molten Core, where the raid contains roughly 8-10 bosses of increasing difficulty level, with trash mobs in-between each boss?

(Also, I understand that because of the way the node system works when or where a traditional raid might first appear likely will vary among servers. But I wanted to check that there will, in fact, be traditional raids that appear if/when their relevant node conditions are satisfied.)

Edit/Addition: my concerns comes from the answer Steven gives at 46:08 of this video: Steven talks about the "number of raid bosses present in the world at start" as "between 12-15 world raid bosses." He also says there will be "dungeon bosses" and "regional bosses". So he seemed to be covering the kind of bosses that exist in the game, but did not mention any WoW-like raids with 8-10 (or so) bosses of progressive difficulty.


  • YuyukoyayYuyukoyay Member
    edited August 2020
    It will probably have traditional raids, but it will not be in the way WoW did it. The party size and the classes they chose point to this. WoW isn't really a traditional mmo outside of the trinity of roles. Older MMO's had classes dedicated to pulling and buffing too. Considering one of the classes is a bard I don't think it's going to be too similar to how WoW did it. The basic premises will probably be the same though.

    WoW's balance was just so reliant on the classes they designed that it is too hard to compare them.
    The game will use the trinity, but will probably have more buffs than WoW ever did.

    U.S. East
  • Xenantaya wrote: »
    I know Steven recently talked about AOC having 12-15 world raid bosses. Will the game also have "traditional" raids like WoW's Molten Core, where the raid contains roughly 8-10 bosses of increasing difficulty level, with trash mobs in-between each boss?

    (Also, I understand that because of the way the node system works when or where a traditional raid might first appear likely will vary among servers. But I wanted to check that there will, in fact, be traditional raids that appear if/when their relevant node conditions are satisfied.)

    Isn't that what raids are? They did say that we will have dungeons and raids (story raids will be instanced and the rest will be open world).
  • XenantayaXenantaya Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    CaptnChuck wrote: »
    Isn't that what raids are? They did say that we will have dungeons and raids (story raids will be instanced and the rest will be open world).

    Well, that's what raids are in games like WoW, Rift, Wildstar, and from my understanding (though I haven't raided in them) also games like LotRo, FFXIV, SWTOR, etc.

    But I'm not familiar with what "raids" means in games like Lineage 2 or ArcheAge, which is what Steven seems to be most familiar with (indeed, he said he hasn't played WoW). I'm also not sure how "raids" were done in Everquest 1 or 2, or Vanguard, or other games with less instancing and more open world dungeons.

    If I remember correctly, Steven was asked a question about raids, and then gave his answer about the game having 12-15 world bosses. This suggests he might have a different understanding of what a "raid" is than someone who played the games mentioned in my first sentence of this comment. That is, AOC might just have open world bosses that need 40 players to kill, instead of Molten Core-type raids.

    So this post was meant to confirm that AOC won't only have world boss "raids," but also "raids" as that term is used in WoW / FFXIV / Wildstar, etc.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    There will probably be some kinds of open world raids, like there will be open world dungeons together with some instanced raids.
  • I mean I don't think there are going to be non open world dungeons and raids. They did say instanced content is going to be rare.

    U.S. East
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Yuyukoyay wrote: »
    I mean I don't think there are going to be non open world dungeons and raids. They did say instanced content is going to be rare.

    I am thinking about 10% instanced story content (dungeons and raids)
  • XenantayaXenantaya Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I added this to my initial post, but my concerns about this issue comes from the answer Steven gives at 46:08 of this video: Steven talks about the "number of raid bosses present in the world at start" as "between 12-15 world raid bosses." He also says there will be "dungeon bosses" and "regional bosses". So he seemed to be covering the kind of bosses that exist in the game, but did not mention any WoW-like raids with 8-10 (or so) bosses of progressive difficulty.
  • My understanding is that no, there will not be WoW like raids. There will be open world raid bosses, world bosses, and open world dungeons. But the only instanced content that exists is some story content.
  • never again will we have a game with dual 72 man raids killing one boss like in eq. One raid for Ralph's Zek and one full raid just for his adds.

    144 people working together. Never again but man it was epic.
  • XenantayaXenantaya Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I asked this question on Jahlon's Q&A last night, and he said there would be WoW-style raids. So hopefully that's correct.

    For those not familiar with Jahlon, he's an AOC content creator who maintains Ashes 101, has interviewed Steven, and has been hosting extremely lengthy (4-7 hour) Q&A sessions on his Twitch channel that he also puts on Youtube. He doesn't work for Intrepid and so what he says isn't official, but he's highly knowledgeable about the game.
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