Crafting and Summoners

FutureSevFutureSev Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Hello and thank you for looking at this thread! I wanted to touch on something that I have experienced in FFXI that I would love to see in AoC but in it's own unique way.

First thing I would like to see is some interaction with your character when crafting. Perfect example I can give would be in FFXI when crafting your character went down on one knee and when starting to craft depending on what type of crystal you use determined what color showed up in front of you while crafting. I enjoy seeing my character attempt to create items, adds an extra satisfaction when finished crafting an item.

As a Summoner player one thing that I can not express enough is please give us summons that are decent in size. They don't have to do the damage of what the size is but please make summoners feel amazing again. I am not a Ranger with a pet, I am a person who has magic abilities to summon mythical monsters of sort.


  • I totally agree. I always have unrealistic dreams of being able to summon a giant monster of some kind or an army of the undead at will in any MMORPG I play, but I feel like a lot of the time it can be 'summon it and forget it'. My favorite time was being a necromancer in PoE with my only goal to summon as many undead as possible, whenever possible, whilst dodging all the mayhem unfolding before me. Fun times.
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