What MMO should I play while I wait for AoC?

AlmightyLycanAlmightyLycan Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Like most of you, I'm waiting for AoC.

I have not played an MMO in sooooooo long but I need to get my fix until AoC comes out, so what do you all recon I play until then. I've grown tired of the old MMOs, but everything else is boring me also. I figured a good recommendation can turn me in the right direction.

I like fantasy, nothing too futuristic, a nice leveling system, and some dope scenery to look at.


  • Lotro for scenery and immersion. Warhammer online free server for pvp, neverwinter for a dnd aspect of mmo. DAoC for massive pvp battles
  • HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I will be hitting New World whenever it's up until Alpha, Playing AA unchanged right now and really wish I wasn't. Also playiing Dead By Daylight
  • daxiongmao87daxiongmao87 Member
    edited August 2020
    This is the question right here isn't it lol. I'm playing none right now but my current GM in my old guild in classic wow wants me to GM again so I guess it's that for me
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    GW2 is pretty good.
  • JexzJexz Member
    As much as I poop on BDO it still has good aspects and is only $13
    Just don't expect to be competitive in pvp in forever amount of time as you will never catch up.
    It is overwhelming at first, there is so much to do. The graphics are well done and the combat is fun.
    If you do get sucked in and want to spend money I'd like to remind you, you will never catch up even if you dumped in $5000.
    Once you try and play the catch up game it turns into a chore and you will burn out everyone does but it is good enough that many players will go back and try again. Anything but the PvP gets boring but I will find that with any game. I like a gear carrot just as anyone else but the road has to be entertaining.

    I'd take it on the approach not to min max and don't spend your time grinding because you are playing casually not trying to catch up. The PvE is mind numbingly boring as the AI is really basic.
    Casually gear up through the main quest line it will take you to all corners of the world. Dabble in some of the life skills. Check out all the world bosses. plenty of content for $13. You can PvP with trial characters in an arena most players who hang out there will switch to a trial to accommodate you.

    Play what ever the newest class is if you want to play something brokenly OP.
    Tamer, Ninja, Sorc and Warrior become busted in pvp once you break 250 frames. due to animation cancels being client side.

    I would 100% be playing if I could make as much PvPing as I could doing AFK life skills. Let that sink in you can make more AFK than actively playing...
  • KohlKohl Member
    Final Fantasy 14.
    They're couple of days from a major patch that will streamline the previous expansions, and remove 30% of unnecessary quests, so you'll reach end-game sooner.
  • It is difficult to know what someone else may like or what combination of aesthetics, combat, character development and P2W components may be acceptable.

    Maybe you can see if any of these fit your momentary needs until you can access to AOC.

    Black Desert Online Remastered.
    Guild Wars 2.
    Neverwinter Online.
    Dungeons and Dragons Online.
    World of Warcraft.
    Lord Of The Rings Online.
    Runes of Magic.
    Eternal Magic.
    The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited.
    Final Fantasy XIV.
    Perfect World International.
    Forsaken World.
    Lineage 2.

  • LfmrLfmr Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I might suggest not playing an MMO, there is really not many good ones on the market, instead try playing some open world games like Dying Light and Horizon Zero Dawn. Games with a lot of exploration and action combat will probably be best for Ashes.
  • I am in a similar boat. I'm only playing older single player titles on steam currently but this is just not doing it for me. I'm considering going back to ESO (played it for 3 years), joining RoR (Warhammer: Return of Reckoning - a FTP private version of WAR) or even Diablo 3 (that I played for a year until I got sick of the AH BS).
  • daxiongmao87daxiongmao87 Member
    edited August 2020
    you okay with older games? I'd give Neverwinter nights a try. No not Neverwinter, but the early 2000s game released by biowsre. It has recently gotten an enhanced edition.

    While not an MMORPG, some of the multiplayer servers share all the same features of an MMORPG except for population size. But that's okay because the servers are usually smaller so you won't feel lonely. Some servers are very active. Roleplay is huge in some servers, and some focus on PVP. If you like d&d it's worth a shot.
  • If you wanna get customed to the PvP system. Lineage 2 is your best bet. The retail is horrible (p2w) but some of the privas are nice.
  • darthadendarthaden Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Sandman wrote: »
    I will be hitting New World whenever it's up until Alpha,t
    Ashes Alpha will be up before New World launches. New world isn't scheduled until about a quarter way through next year
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