Seasons/Weather Impressions on the World.

OdimusOdimus Member
edited August 2020 in General Discussion
I don't really know if this is the right place to post this as I am trying to get into this game and community, and this is my first post! but...

I apologize if this has been asked before, but with the mention of the season changes will there be weather effects as well? Such as rain and thunderstorms or snow and snowstorms and then lasting effects on the terrain itself, i.e puddles the player walks through or snow the player must trudge through? As well as making an impression on the nodes themselves? Such as snow and icicles hanging from the buildings only just to melt through the spring to leave puddles or during the fall leaves are scattered across the buildings and the paths of the nodes.


  • BoomBoom Member
    If this is added, and I hope it is, I likely won't ever be playing in sandy desert or snowy regions lol

    There is a snowy environment I keep seeing in videos with reindeer/elk looking mobs that have green glowing within their antlers. I don't know where that place is, but I very much wanted to get a home in that node.
    Where words fail, music speaks.” ― Hans Christian Andersen
  • Dynamic weather has been confirmed to be in the game. I think you guys will enjoy reading this link below. The wiki is incredibly well kept up, and has SO much information available.
  • CaptnChuckCaptnChuck Member
    edited August 2020
    Every season will come along with its buffs, debuffs, and events. Currently, every season lasts for 1 week. I kinda dislike this, as the time period is too short and as a result the impact of every season won't be felt. For eg, in winter, you could make it so that some herbs/resources will become difficult to find so it will make players stock up before winter. This will create a nice feel to the world.

    But in order for this to matter, they need to change it to 2.5/3 weeks instead.
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