Corruption and instances

ultareonultareon Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
I know there will be few instances in the world but does anyone know if a corrupted player could basically just run into an instance to troll bounty hunters or will they be locked out of entering any instances while they are corrupted? I think a lock out would probably work best for the system because if not, then you could walk into an instance to log off and maybe come back at a later time when there are less people on and pop out to of the instance go kill mobs and get rid of corruption and pop back in if danger arrives. Like I said I know there are few instances but what would stop someone from picking spots with instances as a griefing zone if they have no lock out?


  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    The thing is that only 10-20% of all dungeons will be instanced because they are story mode i believe.
    So you would be hard pressed to actually find one. And even if you did find one, then what? You wont be able to leave it because the bounty hunters will just camp outside. If you leave it later on then they will just start tracking you again and you will once more have to flee inside that instanced dungeon.
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