Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Will questing be mandatory and tedious like some other games

This game looks amazing, super excited to find it. The only thing im a little worried about is the questing.......Im mainly talking about questing for XP/ leveling. im not a fan of repetitive meaningless questing and in some cases would rather just grind xp.
Anyone know what to expect? If im lucky there will be more challenging quests that take several hours? A day? If not longer to complete
Anyone know what to expect? If im lucky there will be more challenging quests that take several hours? A day? If not longer to complete
I have been saying for years that making the player apart of the world story is a damn crime in MMO's. I don't care about the games story. I care about my story. I only want to deal with passive world building.
Why are we here? Ohh, the world reset. Cool, lets rebuild it. That is all the story I need to get started.
The one thing that worries me about AoC is that I keep seeing the words "Sandpark". I just want a Sandbox. Darkfall and Lineage 2 are good examples of games that hit this right. There are a few repeatable grind quests to keep you on the straight and narrow. After that its on you to be a character in the world, and form your own goal.
If I had a dollar for every quest text I did not read, I could retire. What ever story a MMO tries to come up with is not going to be "A song of ice and fire". The story that the players make damn well could be. Look at Eve online and even the 2b2t Minecraft server. There are whole youtube channels dedicated to telling the servers stories.
I am very hopeful that quests are kept to a minimum, and don't try to make me apart of some damn epic plot that is the same for everyone else, but tries to make me feel like I am Neo from the matrix.
I would too would rather grind xp for hours, than deal with running around talking to pointless NPC's. I lost my shit when WOW put un-skippable cut-scenes in the game.
I got too much to say on this topic.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
Love the response, glad im not the only one with this mid set lmao. Hey- so far from what ive seen on youtube- at least the quest NPC's have different color names symbolizing that they have quests rather then dumb ass exclamation marks over their heads.
Thanks! Under the leveling section in Wiki it says:
Repetition will not be part of progression in Ashes of Creation.[14]
There will be no "grindy" quests.[14]
There will not be repetitive quest lines through a single dungeon to obtain gear.[15]
The aspiration is to have more things to do in the game than a player has time to do.[14]
I’m very happy to see this and hope this is the case
My guess is the quests wont hold your hands so you are going to need to read the texts until people start posting walk throughs on youtube. But maybe these quests will change depending on nodes and other influences, making walk throughs not helpful. Some quests have been said to be player limited so probably very powerful.
Steven has said the early quests are worth while.
Makes sense to not release them till beta.
I don't like quests and will defiantly suffer some FoMo as I try and rush to lvl 50 on release.
They're mini adventures/stories within the games world.
Instead of the themepark repeated nameless quest hubs, with "collect x amount of y" all day every day.
I see a place here for standard quests - to work on node levelling, religion levelling, guild levelling etc - grindables/dailys but would love to see Runescape style questlines littered around the world if not the main meat of questing.
Could even have achievements for them and/or cosmetics to make that a whole new addition to gameplay, questline achievement and completion hunting.
Ashes is a very story driven game. The whole world is built from a story. Quests are many and varying - ''more content than player has time for''. I don't think this will be the same way in themepark games tho in which case you are playing a running simulator, doing tedious and easy tasks with 0 challenge. It is said that even story quests can be failed - you can fail a'll be really interesting to see.
I do agree that sandbox gameplay and player freedom make the game feel a lot more natural and interesting. They want a mix of both so we can only hope that it'll turn out well.
Give me the setting and let the players write the servers story.
For me questing is some major milestones, it is difficult and sometimes requires teamwork and adventure.
I dont want quests to take me through the game as if I play a singleplayer. I want to be free to come and go as I please in the world, and my leveling should be by killing mobs.
I personally LIKE quests that evolve the story of what's happening in the world I'm a part of. What I don't like however is artificial quests to go kill 10 wolves or collect 5 of a certain rock. Those are meaningless EXP progression quests and I can do that type of thing without prompting.
Plus often times the quests help you get acquainted with the system and how your abilities work which I also enjoy.
I can relate with you some. I don’t mind most story line/class specific quests that are meaningful and involve NPC’s that carry on throughout the game.
And I enjoy challenging quests (such as epic quests from EQ1
Similar to what you said- it’s the “go kill 5 frogs and turn in their weinies to Captain Ieatdogshit” that i cant stand doing.... unless it involves venturing into a challenging dungeon and takes a hour to complete and I don’t mindlessly follow arrows on a map
" im not a fan of repetitive meaningless questing and in some cases would rather just grind xp."
For me? Well... THATS WHERE THE FUN BEGINS! I could do 50 meaningless kill quests one after another, aslong as the enemies are designed well, the map challenging and the class is engaging.
I once did the all quests achievement in WoW on a new character, because I liked the flow of the class.
(Combat rogue i miss you Q.Q)
I also once did a quest were I had to run around 4 different giant zones, speak to around 20 different npcs to try and get them to pay me back the money that they owed others. Just for a bad title.
Would I like day long one-quest extravanganzas? SHURE! Would I also take any kind of mind numbing questing? Shure, just let me set up my music playlist and lets go grind some quests.
Sounds like FFXIV is just your game!
but ye, there are people like that as well
I would like to add that quests in RuneScape give you minimal EXP, instead they're an adventure. It's like reading a story and you're a character in each quest's story. You can skip all the cut-scenes or skip doing them entirely if you want, although some are the only way to unlock certain gear and skills. I don't think we will have too many quests like that because the world has no story, unlike RuneScape.
Hopefully quests which ask you to "collect X amount of Y" can be simply bought from someone else, so that people can get the rewards if they have the gold needed.
Last but not least, I really hope there are no daily/weekly/monthly quests that reset every 24 hours/7 days/30 days; every game I played that had daily quests eventually became a chore, because they usually force you to do them or else you'll pay a high price.
I disagree with your opinion. I enjoyed the questing system of EQ and some of the epic lines of Classic WoW.
You wanted your epic item - get ready to do some week long worth of quests for it.
You want that AQ40 mount - get ready to quest and grind. You wanted your special class skill - get ready to grind, quest and /corpse run a lot in EQ. Not everything had to be dropped or made. Keep some of the items stuck behind a huge quest line and grind. Like bringing the parts of 5 world bosses and 10 dungeon bosses. Unlock/solve crazy puzzles. Find a hidden or obsucred NPC that opened a stupid little quest but because of that, it unlock somewhere else, another quest that took a week long for an epic item.
I enjoy reading and getting involved into the lore of the game - why am I rushing to end game content when i can enjoy the game for what it is. Immersive myself into their world - i can follow their story and the server story. we can do both.
Edit - after reading the other comments - I will agree - yeah stupid quests like Kill X amount, get Y pelts - i can do without. I am all for questing from 1-50 on meaningful, story-driven quests with high good rewards.
Hell, I can do without shitty quests and quests that only gives gold. Let income be based on what you kill or gather. If a quest is gonna reward us with gold - tie it in with caravan I suppose. Just give me side quests to attain X/Y/Z gears that will make me work for it. If a quest has me camping a boss for 3 days - so be it! I am for it - it's gonna suck but the reward is there and I earned it. Make us work for it.
The MMO I've spent the most time on is WoW, and I LOVED vanilla quests. Warlock, you can find your minion in that cave over there. Paladin, you want your mount? Hop to it. Druid needs totems? Thataway, friend. And yeah, a lot of the quests were kinda senseless, but there were also SO MANY little backstories sprinkled through. I might only have done a chain three-deep for this particular NPC, but what I got out of it was incredibly sad. I didn't need to be part of some huge, overarching world plot; I had micro-plots aplenty.
That's what I personally want from IS: quest givers who have a story. The quest itself might still be to collect 12 wolf anuses, but if I learn that it's sentimental to a woman whose lover passed beyond the veil of death, spending an hour killing everything that moves is much more enjoyable.