Combat logs export

In wiki:
We will be providing combat data for individual players in their chat window, that players can filter and analyze for themselves. The goal is to mitigate and make the practice less prevalent through the ease that DPS meters provide. Also to place actionable enforcement for players who attempt to circumvent the decision by use of 3rd party programs, for which we will be monitoring.

What are the limitations on combat log interactions going to be? Will I be able to export whole fight and go through everything that happened or will I be limited to X last actions and any attempt to copy the combat log data will be met with a banhammer?
“Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil.”

― Plato


  • It’s still hilarious that their stance on multiboxing is so lax and yet a basic combat tracker is banworthy
  • Caeryl wrote: »
    It’s still hilarious that their stance on multiboxing is so lax and yet a basic combat tracker is banworthy

    What do you mean lax? You have no idea how difficult it is to stop multiboxing. The best thing they can do is allow it with restrictions such as not being able to multibox on the same pc, no addons/third party software, etc.

    They have clearly said no to third party programs. It doesn't matter if its a basic combat tracker or some sort of key-broadcasting software, no means no. If you don't understand that, then you deserve to get banned.

    You will have an in game combat tracker that will most likely showcase the history of abilities used by and on you. Utilize that to analyze how to improve.
  • Undead CanuckUndead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Really? Another DPS meter thread? Oh wait, this one is different - it is a combat log thread. Totally different.
    After Steven just got all of the others squished together.

    What are the chances that people will actually use the wonderful search function. Web, Wiki, Forum. They all have search functions.
  • mrwafflesmrwaffles Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Tragnar wrote: »
    What are the limitations on combat log interactions going to be? Will I be able to export whole fight and go through everything that happened or will I be limited to X last actions and any attempt to copy the combat log data will be met with a banhammer?

    Your export just sounds like a DPS meter with more steps. The concept of seeing combat data is to provide you with in the moment numbers for what you are actively doing. The entire concept of exporting something is to review it later and (most likely) analyze multiple sets of data which is their entire reason for not having a DPS meter.

  • okay so simcraft would still be legit guys.
    No problem at all!
  • Caeryl wrote: »
    It’s still hilarious that their stance on multiboxing is so lax and yet a basic combat tracker is banworthy

    Multiboxing is so freaking hard to prevent and Intrepid is doing everything they can to minimize it without stepping on the toes of legitimate players. You know, ones with families who have multiple PCs, have the same public IP address, etc.

    In-game interactions like DPS meters and the function to export combat logs is much more within their power.
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