Can we talk about mounts?

AtamisAtamis Member
edited August 2020 in General Discussion
Good day folks. I've watched many videos on the game, and a few that specifically discuss mounts.
I find mounts boring. They live in your pocket, and go fast when forward is pressed. I think you can do better. I see you want to do better than most, as mounts don't grow out of your butt when summoned, and have the ability to die.
When I heard they were also tied into this Animal Husbandry profession, I was quiet excited as chocobo raising was one of my favorite things to do in XI. Combined with mounts currently, however, I seem to be setting myself up for disappointment.

What I would like to see happen to mounts is simple. They need some physics. Acceleration, turning speed, braking distance, stamina. You could look at nearly any racing game for mechanics, or even the modern Action-Adventure game such as red dead redemption2. They all feature variable levels of mount physics and this makes getting from A to B quiet fun. Having these features opens the doors to many player driven scenarios, from the simple horse track races, managing weight for a mining trip, to extreme weather exploration.
This goes equally with the flying mounts. Something I am rather skeptical of after watching them ruin a few games already. Having momentum to flight, and having to keep speed up or risk stalling out and making an unplanned landing go a long way in balancing them. They are not humming birds and should not be treated as lighter than air alien aircraft.

Varying speeds is not enough. A warhorse is not a long distance runner, and neither is it a draft horse for working. These have all have been bred over many years for specific tasks and AoC would only be improved by making it a much deeper system.


  • Wolf mount for increased tracking ability for bounty hunters would be awesome.
  • JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    And.... Ashes is doing just this. Different mounts will have different specializations.

    There will be better mounts for caravans, riding, different situations.

    Going over a lot of land to water transitions, well they make a mount for that
    Have a lot of hills, mountains, and cliffs? They have a mount for that too

    Make sure to check out Ashes 101
  • Jahlon wrote: »
    And.... Ashes is doing just this. Different mounts will have different specializations.

    There will be better mounts for caravans, riding, different situations.

    Going over a lot of land to water transitions, well they make a mount for that
    Have a lot of hills, mountains, and cliffs? They have a mount for that too

    Oh damn, does this mean froggo mount is going to hip hop across certain terrain? :open_mouth:
  • ...not much to talk about here. I'd suggest you take a look at the wiki.
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • SquirrelTeamSixSquirrelTeamSix Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Check out Guild Wars 2's mount system. It is by far the best mount implementation I have seen in any MMO
  • novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    not gonna like - I like this concept - like ARK, every dino can be a mount and every dino has different speed / stamina / terrain abilities.

    Only issue I see currently is - AoC already has created cosmetic mounts - so if we were to have a wolf mount but someone has that frog cosmetic mount - how do we handle this issue?
    {UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
  • I have read the wiki. They only mention mounts having different speed. NOT acceleration, or turning radius, or anything fun. Just that when you press "W" you go faster than some people and slower than others. If theres some implement of mounts that travel better over certain terrain, great! Step in the right direction. FLying mounts still hover in mid air like a balloon, and ground mounts still defy the laws of physics going 0-60 instantly. from what i've seen in the various streams and videos.
    I'm argiing they should have varied stats in all departments. Not jsut giving one more stam or hp or resistances. That is just armor and combat ability, it is NOT world ability.
    I'm arguing mounts should have stats like a car from Need for Speed, or Motorstorm.
    A mount can be fast but takes a minute to get up to max speed, or have a quick sprint but not very good max speed. or terrible at both but can turn on a dime at speed.
  • Having more depth to mount mechanics would also give more depth to husbandry. Always good to keep feature creep in kind though. Certain features are planned for release right now, and this may be just a little too much out of scope tobfit into the plans.

    But if that's the case, maybe there will be a big horse update in the future. It's just a matter of patience.
  • I would love to have that depth in mounts and animal husbandry. If it ends like that, I will pick Animal Husbabdry for sure.
  • Potato BasketPotato Basket Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 2020
    I wanna see you that to my gorilla butterfly raccoon owl on steroids
  • PacificOshiePacificOshie Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Atamis wrote:
    They need some physics. Acceleration, turning speed, braking distance, stamina.
    I agree. This example from 2020-03-27 Alpha One Early Preview at 1:18:10 shows a galloping horse stop instantly when confronted with a tree. Probably the horse could have gracefully swerved around the tree in this situation without halting the gameplay.

    * Consider having mounts quickly lose momentum instead of instantly stop.
    * Consider having mounts that can automatically maneuver around obstacles.
    * Consider having mounts crash and tumble into significant immovable objects.
    * Consider having mounts throw their rider in extreme situations.

    It would be enjoyable to ride around and explore the beautiful AoC landscape on a more reallistically moving mount.

    * Avoid abruptly stopping mounts that are in motion.
    * Avoid precise controls for mounts where slight misalignment halts gameplay.

    Have fun!
  • Atamis wrote:
    They need some physics. Acceleration, turning speed, braking distance, stamina.
    I agree. This example from 2020-03-27 Alpha One Early Preview at 1:18:10 shows a galloping horse stop instantly when confronted with a tree. Probably the horse could have gracefully swerved around the tree in this situation without halting the gameplay.

    * Consider having mounts quickly lose momentum instead of instantly stop.
    * Consider having mounts that can automatically maneuver around obstacles.
    * Consider having mounts crash and tumble into significant immovable objects.
    * Consider having mounts throw their rider in extreme situations.

    It would be enjoyable to ride around and explore the beautiful AoC landscape on a more reallistically moving mount.

    * Avoid abruptly stopping mounts that are in motion.
    * Avoid precise controls for mounts where slight misalignment halts gameplay.

    Have fun!

    Animations in general are one of the biggest things that'll be improved before launch.
    Dark Knight
  • Was it not said somewhere that mounts will eventually not 'pop out of your pocket?'
  • Yes, but the extent of that is not known yet. Hence the speculations.
  • SangramoireSangramoire Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I love the idea but who knows if they can implement such as system before release, it sounds like a lot of work.
  • novercalis wrote: »
    not gonna like - I like this concept - like ARK, every dino can be a mount and every dino has different speed / stamina / terrain abilities.

    Only issue I see currently is - AoC already has created cosmetic mounts - so if we were to have a wolf mount but someone has that frog cosmetic mount - how do we handle this issue?

    Could have it be the specific mount types that share the same abilities.
  • Jagaro wrote: »
    Was it not said somewhere that mounts will eventually not 'pop out of your pocket?'

    I believe the idea is your mount will act like a whistle and it will trot to you when called, breath of the wild style. Something i have no problem with.

    I understand feature creep might be a concern, but I do not thing that would be the case here, and it would be a core gameplay mechanic that would be difficult to add later after everyone got accustomed to their current mounts. Unreal already has extensive physics, I would imagine a plug and play module specifically for mounts would work fine even if breeding these stats through animal husbandry was put on hold.
  • I hope that mounts are environment oriented. For example, our characters can withstand extreme heat or cold but a regular horse should not be able to. If you wish to mount in an extreme environmental region, you require a mount to fulfill that condition, either a mount local to the region or one bred with resistance for that region.
  • novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    {UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
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