Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
An IN DEPTH PK System alongside the Corruption system [[SUPER LONG POST]]

Disclaimer - I came from UO / Darkfall / Mortal and I am used to a full loot, perma-red system. I know I am in a niche category and minority and I am aware of the griefing issues people have. So here are some suggestions that perhaps, as a community we can refine and perhaps see it implemented alongside their current corruption system.
Grief points is completely seperated from the corruption system. I assume the corruption has a point system in of itself. The grief points however is different and HIDDEN. The grief points system affects the account.
The main issues people have with PVP is mostly high level players ganking low level players. It's not fun seeing a level 50 killing a lvl 1, 5, 10, 20, etc.
So how can we discourage that?
Currently - AoC wants to add a Stats dampen & reducing pvp effectiveness- which I am not in favor of. The game is about risk and rewards. This should also include for PKers (more on that later).
So I'd like to suggest removing that aspect of the corruption system and add this system I will propose. Feel free to tweak.
Killing players level below you
grief point added to your account
0 (aka of equal level) = .01
1 level below you = .03
2 = 0.5
3 = 0.7
4 = 0.8
5 = 0.9
6 = 1
7 = 3
8 = 5
9 = 7
10 = 10
11 = 11
12 = 12
13 = 13
14 = 14
15 = 15
16 = 16
17 = 17
18 = 18
19 = 19
20 = 30
21 = 31
22 = 32
23 = 33
24 = 34
25 = 35
26 = 36
27 = 37
28 = 38
29 = 39
30 = 50
31 = 51
32 = 52
33 = 53
34 = 54
35 = 55
36 = 56
37 = 57
38 = 58
39 = 59
40 = 75
41 = 77
42 = 79
43 = 81
44 = 83
45 = 85
46 = 87
47 = 89
48 = 93
49 = 97
50 = 100
*NOTE - Consistently killing the same target within X time will DOUBLE your grief points (Example: 1,2,4,8,16,32,64)- Corpse Gank at your own risk!!!!!
Grief Points consequences
0-49 --- nothing
50-99 --- Corruption & bounty system enabled (reduction in XP, increase in loss of XP upon Death, Loss of gather-able upon death)
100-250 --- Upon Death - 1 random weapon or armor is also dropped upon death
251-500 --- Town Kill on Sight Enabled
501-750 --- Account is flagged for minor consequence on other toons (see A) -
751-999 --- Jail System enabled (See C) - Account is flagged for major consequence (see A2) - "Open Loot" (See B )
1000+ -- Perma Red
A -- Account is flagged for minor consequences. So one of the way we can discourage griefer is to put some penalities on their alts. Nothing too big but still annoying. Some ideas are:
- Reduce XP gain from quests / mobs
- Increase Cost of goods from NPC
- decrease cost of goods when selling to NPC
- Alts becomes Purple if PKer has over 501 grief points(See A2 & A3)
- Anyone who helped a Red player who has over 501 grief points becomes purple (See A2 & A3)
A2 - Account is flagged for major consequences - So the player continues to grief hard and often. What else can we do to discourage them? Some suggestion
- All Alts on that shares the same server with the PKer character will be flagged Purple. This is a visual indicator to the public and they can choose if they wish to deal with said player. Reputation matters and you can't hide behind an alt.
- Because the player is Purple - that indicates that he/she has helped a player who has over 751 grief points OR has a character that has over 751 grief points. They are an accomplice to a well known criminal of Verra. Thus they are also thrown into the bounty system, only they can not lose items upon being killed by a bounty hunter. To prevent any loopholes - helping a griefer (See A3) will give your character 10 grief points.
So let me explain my reasoning for why they should be open to free kills by bounty hunter. If you are purple, you intentionally knew you helped someone who has accumulated a ton of grief points. You knew this person has killed many many people, most likely low level ganking and camping. You consented and approved his action of griefing, so with that said, let's say you are a lvl 10 alt or friend who helped the PKer. Now you are purple and a lvl 50 bounty hunter can kill you w/o consequences.
Actions has consequences. Now the duration of a purple status is up to the AoC Staff. Perhaps is based on how much grief points the player you helped will determine the duration of your purple status and if it's an ALT or a guildie/friend will have a different timer.
A3 - So to prevent loopholes of alts/friends/guildies helping Pkers w/o getting tagged themselves - we solved that issue with the purple system. What is considered helping?
-- Buffing A red player out of combat (remember, if you heal during combat, you get flagged as a combatant already)
-- Healing A red player out of combat
-- TRADING ANYTHING (Weapon/Armor/potion/Money) to a red player
Just to re-iterate Purple Status is on a timer based on Alt or non-alt and the amount of grief points the PKer had. It can last for an hour or couple of days. Alts are auto flagged purple at 500/600/700/800/900 grief points and Last 3 days on 500, 6 days on 600, 9 days on 700, 12 days on 800, 15 days on 900 and 1 month at 1000 grief points. ONCE AGAIN THIS ONLY APPLIES TO ALTS ON THAT ACCOUNT AND ON THAT SAME SERVER - not to guildies/friends - they are on a different timer.
B - "Open Loot"
Very simple - instead of a Random Weapon or Armor or item dropping - the individual who slained us gets to pick 1 item from our inventory.
Perma Red
Now for my favorite part - let's be real - I worked real hard to become perma-red. Let me get some achievement and unlock something unique for us Perma Red. We put a lot of negative weight to this scale and I don't intent to balance it - but I do gotta put some weight on the other side. 80/20 on the justice scale.
There should be some "rewards" if we choose to take this hard knock life path.
0-100 - we get nothing
101-250 - we get nothing
251-500 - maybe a pet or some unlock-able cosmetics / outfits??
501-750 - Specific Quest-line opens up for us - with unique pvp reward.
So remember at the beginning - I said I disagree with reducing pvp effectiveness. At this point, with 500+ - we are basically fully committed to pvp and being hunted down - throw us a little bone. A unique PK potion(s) - the cool-down is longer than standard type of potions tho. or perhaps an increase in our HP pool now. We are blood thirsty.
751-999 - Special PK gear BUT these gear is complete trash on PVE - gives us no XP on PVE content. Unable to tag/deal damage to World bosses. reduce weight capacity - lots of things you can do to hamper the PvE aspect of things. but it decreases CD and/or major increase in PVP related Stats, HP pool perhaps. Doesnt have to be offensive stats but more of a survival stats for a PKer. Maybe it's an item that Copies our current gear and just adds HP/Def to them. These are dailies repeatable quest - so it always puts us out in the world to be hunted - but the quest is RNG so bounty hunter cant camp the spot.
1000+ special PKer mount?????? Maybe, and this one is controversial - we get 10% of gold from players. Let's be real - there isnt going to be that many perma Red - this isnt an easy path for a player. But we are already severely hurting our income from 1-999 and on our alts - we worked our butt off to become a perma-red. You can throw this bone.
Also a Title and more unique PKer-esque cosmetics???
C - Jail System
At 751 points of Grief - perhaps the player had a change of mind and learned he/she can't handle the PK lifestyle in AOC - or doesnt enjoy the punishments on Alts, as this can hurt the alt and the alt's guild or raiding or making money for a duration of time. Basically when you grief enough, this system will try to grief you in return in other fashion. Unless you're dedicated to the PK craft - this isnt gonna be fun for many wanna be PKers. So perhaps they want to redeem themselves. Thus the Jail System. The Jail System is a time process tho - it's gonna be annoying, it's intended to be annoying and intended to discourage griefing. With that said let's go into details.
1) Bounty Hunters will have an option to arrest you instead of murdering you in the open world.
2) you can turn yourself in - In Doing so - the time it takes to complete will be reduced by half.
The Jail System is - an instance. It's a Copy of the World basically but you're unable to roam the entire world and there is no PvE contents outside of the quest lines PvE mobs. How big the area is based on the region / Node you are in. It will only compromise the Zone of Influence you are currently adhered to. Basically you are under the order of the King/Queen/Mayor to help the city grow. You are with other criminals (if any) to quest with. These quests are carbon copies of the real quests outside of the jail system. You are practically removed from other players. You're gonna need to complete a lot of mindless repetative tasks - kill X critter, Gather Y resources. It's a grind, A VERY FUCKING BORING GRIND! You are a prisoner on the side of the road, collecting trash, like the trash you are! It will last either a week or 24 in-game hours - or whatever the DEV decides. But at the same time - you actually DO CONTRIBUTE to the node tho - but no XP gain, no money gain during this time period.
A little bit passed the half way points (60% aka 15 hours or 4th day) you will have a unique quest called Jail Break (More on that later).
If you complete your Jail Sentence - your corruption points has been reduce per the corruption system and your grief points has been reduced back to 100. Your Corruption and Grief points are different, so you can still be RED via Corruption system but only have 100 grief points now on your account.
If you have choosen to give up and jail break out - your corruption is reduced normally by AOC corruption system and you're grief points has been reduced by 20% only.
FOR PERMA-RED - you only have 1 CHANCE to do the jail system to full completion. After that - you're unable to go to Jail ever again. This is to prevent any loopholes by going perma red to 0 grief point and working your way back up to perma red status again. You may request a GM for a 2nd chance - in doing so - I would recommend it should be allowed but if the player abused it and goes back to perma red - i'd rather see a perma BAN.
EDIT - For non Perma-Red you can do the Jail instance up to 3 times. So technically a meta loophole if for some reason someone wants to do it is to get 999 grief points then reset to 100 and do that 2 more times.... idk why - but 3 strike rules
Also going perma-red to 100 grief points removes ALL PK cosmetics / potions / title etc - they do not get to keep that.
Wrote this on a whim - and did not proof read - this took a couple of hours and I am tired and gotta go to sleep. I am happy to answer any questions/concern. Nothing here is concrete - I may have missed certain stuff or left potential dangerous loopholes. This is just a concept that, we as a community can refine. I know many wont like the idea of a reward for a PKer but the game revolves around risks vs reward and if we gonna dedicated ourself to being a PKer, we should get something out of it and it shouldnt be that easy to attain either (like being a lvl 50 and quickly killing a lvl 1 ten times. - these rewards should be locked behind an annoying, long, tedious quest too)
Grief points is completely seperated from the corruption system. I assume the corruption has a point system in of itself. The grief points however is different and HIDDEN. The grief points system affects the account.
The main issues people have with PVP is mostly high level players ganking low level players. It's not fun seeing a level 50 killing a lvl 1, 5, 10, 20, etc.
So how can we discourage that?
Currently - AoC wants to add a Stats dampen & reducing pvp effectiveness- which I am not in favor of. The game is about risk and rewards. This should also include for PKers (more on that later).
So I'd like to suggest removing that aspect of the corruption system and add this system I will propose. Feel free to tweak.
Killing players level below you
grief point added to your account
0 (aka of equal level) = .01
1 level below you = .03
2 = 0.5
3 = 0.7
4 = 0.8
5 = 0.9
6 = 1
7 = 3
8 = 5
9 = 7
10 = 10
11 = 11
12 = 12
13 = 13
14 = 14
15 = 15
16 = 16
17 = 17
18 = 18
19 = 19
20 = 30
21 = 31
22 = 32
23 = 33
24 = 34
25 = 35
26 = 36
27 = 37
28 = 38
29 = 39
30 = 50
31 = 51
32 = 52
33 = 53
34 = 54
35 = 55
36 = 56
37 = 57
38 = 58
39 = 59
40 = 75
41 = 77
42 = 79
43 = 81
44 = 83
45 = 85
46 = 87
47 = 89
48 = 93
49 = 97
50 = 100
*NOTE - Consistently killing the same target within X time will DOUBLE your grief points (Example: 1,2,4,8,16,32,64)- Corpse Gank at your own risk!!!!!
Grief Points consequences
0-49 --- nothing
50-99 --- Corruption & bounty system enabled (reduction in XP, increase in loss of XP upon Death, Loss of gather-able upon death)
100-250 --- Upon Death - 1 random weapon or armor is also dropped upon death
251-500 --- Town Kill on Sight Enabled
501-750 --- Account is flagged for minor consequence on other toons (see A) -
751-999 --- Jail System enabled (See C) - Account is flagged for major consequence (see A2) - "Open Loot" (See B )
1000+ -- Perma Red
A -- Account is flagged for minor consequences. So one of the way we can discourage griefer is to put some penalities on their alts. Nothing too big but still annoying. Some ideas are:
- Reduce XP gain from quests / mobs
- Increase Cost of goods from NPC
- decrease cost of goods when selling to NPC
- Alts becomes Purple if PKer has over 501 grief points(See A2 & A3)
- Anyone who helped a Red player who has over 501 grief points becomes purple (See A2 & A3)
A2 - Account is flagged for major consequences - So the player continues to grief hard and often. What else can we do to discourage them? Some suggestion
- All Alts on that shares the same server with the PKer character will be flagged Purple. This is a visual indicator to the public and they can choose if they wish to deal with said player. Reputation matters and you can't hide behind an alt.
- Because the player is Purple - that indicates that he/she has helped a player who has over 751 grief points OR has a character that has over 751 grief points. They are an accomplice to a well known criminal of Verra. Thus they are also thrown into the bounty system, only they can not lose items upon being killed by a bounty hunter. To prevent any loopholes - helping a griefer (See A3) will give your character 10 grief points.
So let me explain my reasoning for why they should be open to free kills by bounty hunter. If you are purple, you intentionally knew you helped someone who has accumulated a ton of grief points. You knew this person has killed many many people, most likely low level ganking and camping. You consented and approved his action of griefing, so with that said, let's say you are a lvl 10 alt or friend who helped the PKer. Now you are purple and a lvl 50 bounty hunter can kill you w/o consequences.
Actions has consequences. Now the duration of a purple status is up to the AoC Staff. Perhaps is based on how much grief points the player you helped will determine the duration of your purple status and if it's an ALT or a guildie/friend will have a different timer.
A3 - So to prevent loopholes of alts/friends/guildies helping Pkers w/o getting tagged themselves - we solved that issue with the purple system. What is considered helping?
-- Buffing A red player out of combat (remember, if you heal during combat, you get flagged as a combatant already)
-- Healing A red player out of combat
-- TRADING ANYTHING (Weapon/Armor/potion/Money) to a red player
Just to re-iterate Purple Status is on a timer based on Alt or non-alt and the amount of grief points the PKer had. It can last for an hour or couple of days. Alts are auto flagged purple at 500/600/700/800/900 grief points and Last 3 days on 500, 6 days on 600, 9 days on 700, 12 days on 800, 15 days on 900 and 1 month at 1000 grief points. ONCE AGAIN THIS ONLY APPLIES TO ALTS ON THAT ACCOUNT AND ON THAT SAME SERVER - not to guildies/friends - they are on a different timer.
B - "Open Loot"
Very simple - instead of a Random Weapon or Armor or item dropping - the individual who slained us gets to pick 1 item from our inventory.
Perma Red
Now for my favorite part - let's be real - I worked real hard to become perma-red. Let me get some achievement and unlock something unique for us Perma Red. We put a lot of negative weight to this scale and I don't intent to balance it - but I do gotta put some weight on the other side. 80/20 on the justice scale.
There should be some "rewards" if we choose to take this hard knock life path.
0-100 - we get nothing
101-250 - we get nothing
251-500 - maybe a pet or some unlock-able cosmetics / outfits??
501-750 - Specific Quest-line opens up for us - with unique pvp reward.
So remember at the beginning - I said I disagree with reducing pvp effectiveness. At this point, with 500+ - we are basically fully committed to pvp and being hunted down - throw us a little bone. A unique PK potion(s) - the cool-down is longer than standard type of potions tho. or perhaps an increase in our HP pool now. We are blood thirsty.
751-999 - Special PK gear BUT these gear is complete trash on PVE - gives us no XP on PVE content. Unable to tag/deal damage to World bosses. reduce weight capacity - lots of things you can do to hamper the PvE aspect of things. but it decreases CD and/or major increase in PVP related Stats, HP pool perhaps. Doesnt have to be offensive stats but more of a survival stats for a PKer. Maybe it's an item that Copies our current gear and just adds HP/Def to them. These are dailies repeatable quest - so it always puts us out in the world to be hunted - but the quest is RNG so bounty hunter cant camp the spot.
1000+ special PKer mount?????? Maybe, and this one is controversial - we get 10% of gold from players. Let's be real - there isnt going to be that many perma Red - this isnt an easy path for a player. But we are already severely hurting our income from 1-999 and on our alts - we worked our butt off to become a perma-red. You can throw this bone.
Also a Title and more unique PKer-esque cosmetics???
C - Jail System
At 751 points of Grief - perhaps the player had a change of mind and learned he/she can't handle the PK lifestyle in AOC - or doesnt enjoy the punishments on Alts, as this can hurt the alt and the alt's guild or raiding or making money for a duration of time. Basically when you grief enough, this system will try to grief you in return in other fashion. Unless you're dedicated to the PK craft - this isnt gonna be fun for many wanna be PKers. So perhaps they want to redeem themselves. Thus the Jail System. The Jail System is a time process tho - it's gonna be annoying, it's intended to be annoying and intended to discourage griefing. With that said let's go into details.
1) Bounty Hunters will have an option to arrest you instead of murdering you in the open world.
2) you can turn yourself in - In Doing so - the time it takes to complete will be reduced by half.
The Jail System is - an instance. It's a Copy of the World basically but you're unable to roam the entire world and there is no PvE contents outside of the quest lines PvE mobs. How big the area is based on the region / Node you are in. It will only compromise the Zone of Influence you are currently adhered to. Basically you are under the order of the King/Queen/Mayor to help the city grow. You are with other criminals (if any) to quest with. These quests are carbon copies of the real quests outside of the jail system. You are practically removed from other players. You're gonna need to complete a lot of mindless repetative tasks - kill X critter, Gather Y resources. It's a grind, A VERY FUCKING BORING GRIND! You are a prisoner on the side of the road, collecting trash, like the trash you are! It will last either a week or 24 in-game hours - or whatever the DEV decides. But at the same time - you actually DO CONTRIBUTE to the node tho - but no XP gain, no money gain during this time period.
A little bit passed the half way points (60% aka 15 hours or 4th day) you will have a unique quest called Jail Break (More on that later).
If you complete your Jail Sentence - your corruption points has been reduce per the corruption system and your grief points has been reduced back to 100. Your Corruption and Grief points are different, so you can still be RED via Corruption system but only have 100 grief points now on your account.
If you have choosen to give up and jail break out - your corruption is reduced normally by AOC corruption system and you're grief points has been reduced by 20% only.
FOR PERMA-RED - you only have 1 CHANCE to do the jail system to full completion. After that - you're unable to go to Jail ever again. This is to prevent any loopholes by going perma red to 0 grief point and working your way back up to perma red status again. You may request a GM for a 2nd chance - in doing so - I would recommend it should be allowed but if the player abused it and goes back to perma red - i'd rather see a perma BAN.
EDIT - For non Perma-Red you can do the Jail instance up to 3 times. So technically a meta loophole if for some reason someone wants to do it is to get 999 grief points then reset to 100 and do that 2 more times.... idk why - but 3 strike rules
Also going perma-red to 100 grief points removes ALL PK cosmetics / potions / title etc - they do not get to keep that.
Wrote this on a whim - and did not proof read - this took a couple of hours and I am tired and gotta go to sleep. I am happy to answer any questions/concern. Nothing here is concrete - I may have missed certain stuff or left potential dangerous loopholes. This is just a concept that, we as a community can refine. I know many wont like the idea of a reward for a PKer but the game revolves around risks vs reward and if we gonna dedicated ourself to being a PKer, we should get something out of it and it shouldnt be that easy to attain either (like being a lvl 50 and quickly killing a lvl 1 ten times. - these rewards should be locked behind an annoying, long, tedious quest too)
{UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
If people want to play that way, the only thing they get are consequences, not rewards. This is by both intention and design.
Not saying your system is necessarily bad (from what I read, it seems viable for a game with that aim), I'm just saying I don't think it fits in with this game and the way Intrepid want to treat PK'ers.
perhaps. I dont think he has said so but wanted to discourage the griefing aspect. So take this as a just in case. Anything can happen between now and release day.
You just laid out a system where you would be fine with the punishments to basically kill who ever you wanted. If you do not like the corrupted system as a player who wants to go around killing anyone they want. The system is indeed working.
Many players myself included think there are aspects that are over the top in the current corruption system. Yet there are many players who are advocating that it is still not enough.
As I said, I can see it working if the goal is to make PK a viable option. The main question is in regards to if that is the intention.
Steven has very specifically said he does not want to reward people who murder other players.
That is why the corruption system is designed the way it is. It specifically is designed to stop the game from becoming a gank fest.
Some people like the idea of that kind of infamy, but it always makes me think of some poor kid that didn't get enough hugs or something. You know, like someone that isn't loved so turns to filling the hole inside with being unilaterally hated since that aligns more with their self view.
Psychobabble aside, it seems like there will be plenty of meaningful, consensual PvP. Hopefully people will have plenty opportunity to kill eachother without even having to worry about any Corruption system.
If you just want to be a notorious "bad guy", that still seems doable with the currently planned Corruption system, just no rewards besides being hated.
Personally I would rather be well known as a dependable and resourceful commander that everyone wants on their side in a Siege.
Different folks different strokes I guess.
Yes unfortunately someone can kill a lvl 1 layer 10 times and hit 1000 grief points quickly but to maintain or make yourself a perma red has a lot of CONS for one to stay as such. Most griefer are a one off or are mad at the time whereas perma red players has some integrity.
The only time I can see myself going below level 40s is with a group of Reds looking for bounty hunters. If it taking too long - the only way we can get any attention toward us is mass murdering everyone - this will have everyone in the zone/chat calling for help and whatnot - once they arrive - there is no point on continuing to grief lowbies.
There are many people who wants to PK but don't want to dedicated themselfs to the hardship and lifestyle of a perma-red PK and this system is there to deter away the abusers. Is it 100% no but it will prevent majority of bad faith players.
and yes it is an Infamy thing for me personally and no on the psychology aspect. if at all, because my first game was UO - so I this was the system I grew up on. Once you tasted this blood - you can't go back I suppose.
Like gaming culture of the old - FPS games and the mad shit talking and N-word usage, BMing etc etc was super normal. The word toxic didnt exsist. you cried, you got called out - it was the norm - nowadays that doesnt fly to well. Are those people have a bad upbringing and whatnot? I doubt it - it was the culture they were introduce and was the norm and they partook in it. for me I am chasing that "high" so to speak - personally would love a full loot on both side pvp - I know AoC wont give me that, hell most games wont, hell I know that is a NICHE thing but I always keep looking for it, it creates an adrenaline when everything is on the line.
The current corruption system doesn't really punish someone who wants to low level gank. He loss some of pvp effectivenss to defend himself, but still has the pvp effectiveness to continuously gank lowbies all day long. It's not gonna take many swings of a sword to kill a level 1 player. A bad faith griefer still can do a lot of things in the current system. I've added Harsher punishment to deal with those bad faith actors and any perma-red players will have to go through this hardship as well
As the corruption system has been presented so far, you are only punished for killing green names that do not fight back. These tend to either be much lower level or much lower gear and easily killed, particularly since the green name will lose more for not fighting back.
If your punishments and rewards are linked to killing green names that do not fight back, then people such as you will pursue your infamy rewards for pure notoriety if nothing else. There will be a competition for who can murder the most green names.
If instead you apply your system to attacking players around your level that fight back as you were describing, this is considered consensual PVP and is not punishable. Your system applied to consensual PVP would actually add punishment to open world PVP. Steven wants players to engage in such consensual PVP.
Essentially, you want to add a punishment and reward system to consensual PVP. Your system does not need to remove or replace the corruption system at all. You don't need your system to go around killing many players in consensual PVP. Your system boils down to a reward and recognition system for killing many players in open world consensual PVP.
If you rework your post into a reward/badge/honor/notoriety or something system that recognizes a high amount of success in open world PVP and has nothing to do with the corruption system, you might be able to get something like it in place. Your suggested punishments could be optional, but Steven does not want to discourage consensual PVP.
Note: Griefers will not be killing a low level player repetitively as that player will be respawning at random spawn points. Not their corpse. Friends of the corrupted player will not be removing much of the corruption because repetitive killing of the corrupted will be difficult or impossible as the corrupted keeps respawning at random spawn points and travel takes significant time.
This is not entirely correct. You will gain more corruption for killing players with a greater level disparity. The more corruption you have, the lower your PvP effectiveness - "until the corrupt player ultimately becomes ineffective at combat" per the wiki. Now, that might mean you'd still have the effectiveness to gank lowbies, but it also might not - your effective PvP stats might get so low that a level 1 newbie could end up beating you.
Regardless, at some point, you will be combat ineffective towards people anywhere near your level. This means you die more, and have more XP debt - it's own set of skill/stat/gear dampening, lower drop rates; higher durability loss on gear - which in turn means higher repair costs; along with the chance to drop gear - meaning even less combat effectiveness.
Being corrupted also means NPC guards will be KOS to you. It will be harder to get into towns to do any banking/repairing/etc. assuming that those activities are also not locked away while corrupted.
If you keep ganking people, you'll likely hit a point where one kill will give you so much corruption that it will take multiple deaths to remove it all. While there is a quest to reduce your historical PK score, I imagine it's not going to be so easy that you can do it willy-nilly whenever you want - Intrepid wants to discourage non-consensual PvP, so there would be no reason to make that quest easy. You'd start getting into a position where, strictly outside of maybe being able to gank lowbies, you can do almost nothing else in the game. You'd be a very easy target for other players to kill with no repercussions to them, you'd be losing equipment left and right, you couldn't easily get into towns to replenish supplies, you'd get no loot from PvE endeavors, etc.
There is also a reputation factor. If you get known as a serial ganker, there are probably going to be a fair number of people that won't want to deal with you in any capacity.
I understand wanting to chase the thrill from years past. I have been chasing my memories of Shadowbane for almost 20 years. That game had open world PvP and the thrill of it still makes my blood sing.
I think the point I was trying to make was that if Infamy was what you're after then it doesn't really matter what system is in place. Just piss off enough people by messing with them when they are doing PvE content and you should accomplish your goal.
It looks like your PvP Corruption penalties won't even be in effect when battling Bounty Hunters, so it should be manageable.
Well said and i think while Steven loves feedback, he will not implement a system that would ruin the economy by getting rid of most of the Gatherers.
BC thats exactly what OPs system would do. If Lvl 50 can murder lvl 50 without consequences then most people will not choose gathering Professions.
As the risks with the caravan system are allready very high.
Personally i was never a fan of the gank mechanic. Oh the mighty ganker just ambushed a guy who was not expecting him and he won... Such skills, many wows
AoC thankfully does not plan to allow so a thing without consequences.
If you want PVP go attack a caravan or declare guild war.
I love PVP and the best PVP fights i had were always part of the Guild war.
Meeting two players from the enemy guild in a dungeon and fighting a desperate 1 vs 1 escalating it into full blown 100 vs 100 as both sites call for reinforcement and no one wants to back down.
Of course, there is always still the potential for consequences for the attacker. The gatherer may have friends nearby or the fight may expand into a guild war or node siege among other such possibilities. However, the consequences are organic and made by the player base rather than an in game system.