A game for the French?

Hello, I'm very interested in this game, but, being French and often despised by video games, will it have French voices?

I love being able to enjoy a video game without having to choose between reading or seeing what's going on in front of my screen, and above all I love being able to discover the "lore" of an MMORPG so that I can imbibe it for my character.

For the moment, only Elder Scrolls Online satisfies me on this point, because its medieval/Western/Fantasy aspect, a graphic style that I like very much, as well as a totally French localization, whether it is the game text, or the voices and communication on the launcher/forum, everything is available in French ; I really appreciate this effort, but Zeniamx has a really unpleasant behavior towards players and a total inability to provide a stable game, that's why I aspire to find another game as nice as the TESO and AoC universe, could be this one, that's why I ask myself this question, because if we're sulking again, I'd have a hard time fully launching into a game without French voices, I want to believe in this game, but I hope it will offer this level of localization for French-speaking players.

I understand that this is far from being a simple task, but please don't make us believe that it's because of a money problem, because the video game clearly doesn't have that problem and certainly not for AoC which I think is gaining some growing success, please make us believe in you!

Hoping for an answer from the devs or person in charge of answering this type of subject!

Sincerely, Aduzar!

texte in french :

Bonjour, je suis très intéressé par ce jeu, mais, étant français et souvent méprisé par les jeux vidéo, ce dernier, aura-t-il droit à des voix françaises ?

J'adore, pouvoir profiter d'un jeu vidéo sans avoir à choisir, entre lire, ou voir ce qui se passe devant mon écran, et surtout j'adore pouvoir découvrir le " lore"savoir faire d'un MMORPG afin de m'en imprégner pour mon personnage.

Pour l'instant, seul Elder Scrolls Online me satisfait sur ce point, car son aspect médiéval/Occidentale/fantasy, style graphique que j'aime énormement, ainsi qu'une localisation totalement française, que ce soit le texte du jeu, ou les voix et la communication sur le lanceur/forum, tout est disponible en français ; j'apprécie énormement cet effort, mais Zeniamx a un comportement vraiment désagréable envers les joueurs et une incapacité totale à fournir un jeu stable, C'est pourquoi j'aspire à trouver un autre jeu aussi agréable que l'univers de TESO et AoC, pourrait bien être celui-ci, c'est pourquoi je me pose cette question, car si nous sommes à nouveau bouder, j'aurais du mal à me lancer pleinement dans un jeu sans voix française, je veux croire en ce jeu, mais j'espère qu'il offrira ce degré de localisation pour les joueurs francophones.

Je comprends que c'est loin d'être une tâche simple, mais s'ils vous plait, ne nous faites pas croire que c'est pour un problème d'argent, parce que le jeu vidéo n'a clairement pas ce problème et certainement pas pour AoC qui je pense remporte un certain succès croissant, s'il vous plaît donnez-nous envie de croire en vous !

En espérant une réponse de la part des devs ou personne en charge de répondre a ce type de sujet !

Cordialement, Aduzar !


  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    Do you know how many languages there are?
  • SamsonSamson Member
    edited August 2020
    About 75 million people have their primary language as French... that's out of 7.8 billion people (approximately 1%). I think sticking with English voices is probably in the company's best interest but I'm sure they will have subtitles/text in various languages.
  • unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    The game is being localized into French by My.Games currently. On release that is who the "French version" will reside with.
  • JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    Good news is, nobody is getting voice over work.

    Its not a direction Intrepid is taking.

    Make sure to check out Ashes 101
  • Cold 0ne FTBCold 0ne FTB Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    If there is no voice over and dialogue is all text I don't see why it can't have multiple language options. Just pick the 5 most common.

    That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
  • AduzarAduzar Member
    edited August 2020
    Do you know how many languages there are?
    I do not speak on behalf of all languages, but I speak for the French language, which is quite widespread in the world.

    As the "Cold 0ne FTB" a translation of the most spoken languages in the world would be a good idea and stop pretending that it's about money, because everyone knows that the video game has nothing to worry about !!!
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