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Player driven quest/task system

My thought on this has several applications both PvP and Material focused.

Seeing as travel will be limited and auction systems are also going to be limited (or so intended) I think it would be convenient and beneficial to offer players the ability to create their own needs/wants as a quest or task system for other players to choose from. While the caravan system will work on a grander scale I believe having an alternative to that for smaller and more personal needs will benefit both the game in terms of player driven content/social elements in addition to valuing players time to get things they want/need. To over simplify the concept here it would be the equivalent to having uber instead of an 18 wheeler for goods/item delivery. I haven't come up with a scenario to discourage griefing and failure to deliver on these examples - however maybe it's a % of the reward offered and that scales based on a delivery window (think of Amazon Prime versus standard shipping). For example if there were a sliding scale and someone selected 1 hour the % would be much less than if someone selected 2 days.

Example 1: Crafter needs 15 Iron ore from XYZ zone - Crafter sets gold amount for returning this item. Adventurer see's this and thinks to themselves hey i'm passing through that zone on my way back from City B and can benefit from this additional gold.

Example 2: Adventurer needs 2H Axe of Sliminess - Adventure sets offer to pay a specific gold amount for this item. Crafter decides amount offered is worth their while to craft this item as Crafter already holds the recipe and materials for this item or chooses to hunt these items for the gold reward.

Example 3: Adventurer receives a narrative quest that takes them across the map. Adventurer knows that there are different resources available in this new area and reviews the task list. Adventurer is able to choose up to three tasks which they can then buy from this area and return with for a pre-set amount by the person(s) posting the tasks or the Adventurer can hunt/gather the items and return for a greater profit.

Example 4: Adventurer needs to transfer a large quantity of goods enough so that a caravan system is needed. Adventurer posts a task for personal security during this Caravan expedition. A time, location and gold amount would be listed - Guild A see's this posting and decides they would be willing to offer their protection. Upon delivery of caravan to the desired location the gold would then be received by Guild A. I believe there would need to be a rain check type of system put in place in the event the Caravan/Adventurer was unable to start the Caravan for in game or out of game reasons and Guild A would receive a % of gold offered for having accepted.

Example 5 (PvP): Non-Corrupt bounty system. So I view this as a unique way for people who like PvP to capitalize on hunting other players who have not gone corrupt such as. Adventurer has disdain for several players who just that day killed him on several occasions as they were trying to finish quests in the area. Adventurer was unable to defeat these foes because the class was a high priest. Adventurer could then set a gold reward for retaliation from other players to hunt these players down and seek revenge on his behalf. I do not believe this system should offer any true map awareness outside of a possible location notice by original adventurer who could potentially update this location.
Master Assassin
(Yes same Tyrantor from Shadowbane)
Book suggestions:
Galaxy Outlaws books 1-16.5, Metagamer Chronicles, The Land litrpg series, Ready Player One, Zen in the Martial Arts
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