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Cosmetic Shop (New Here)

Hello! I'm new here so I don't know if this has been answered because I'm not finding it. From what I understand is that the Pre-Order packs change the cosmetics available each month. So previous pre order cosmetics are not available? If that's the case and I get this month's pack, and another one comes out later that I like, do I have to pay another $375 just for the cosmetics? I was looking at the largest pack because it comes with alpha 2 access, in game time, and Embers, but I don't need those more than once. Is there a way to just buy the skins of future packs? What if I really like the armor of the set, which isn't offered in anything expect the largest pack, but dont care for the other pieces? Does that mean I cant buy pieces I like? Because I'm not seeing a cosmetic shop or place to spend Embers, only the pre order packs.


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    Awesome, thank you. makes a lot more sense.
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    I'm glad it was useful to you.
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    After you buy one of the initial pre-order packs then every month after when new cosmetic skins come out they are now a-la-carte. You will not have to keep buying $200+ pre-order packs, you will be able to buy just that $5 glove cosmetic or just that $25 mount skin and choose to not buy the other skins. Personally I wish I had taken that leap sooner and just bought a pre-order pack as soon as I heard about them game instead of waiting until the perfect mix of cosmetics were being offered because most every month has one small thing I want to buy but I couldn't until I bought that initial pre-order pack.
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