AwesomeAwesome Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Hello! I am not completely following every developer diary (theres too many! and they are all super long videos) so I am not super caught up on content. I am a huge pvp guy, and from the last video I watched, there will be very very few instances. My concern is, is there gonna be some sort of pvp arena finder? is there even arena pvp? and if there is, do I have to walk to a certain location to access it, or would I have access to some sort of menu that allows me to queue up for arena pvp?

With that said, I hope dungeon finders and raid finders are non existent in this game, because dungeon finders and raid finders kinda ruin the whole emersion feel of finding a cool group in the city to fight some big ass boss, then walking to the dungeon/raid location with your boys to fight this awesome boss and get some cool loot.

Now that might contradict what im saying about arena pvp, and you might ask "why aren't you complaining about the possibility of arena having a pvp finder, wouldn't that ruin immersion?" but as far as I know, there is a node system, and I do not want to be a citizen of a node, and verse the same 100 people every time in an arena because of a lack of people around my level, or the lack of people in my node that want to pvp.

I think a potential for a huge esports arena pvp community in ashes would be pretty cool, but in order to accomplish that, I do think there needs to be some sort of arena only group finder. Leave the other pvp events non instanced, because thats what makes the game unique. I do think the node sieges, caravan pvp, world pvp, etc, should remain off group finders, because it would create that cool sandbox feel. I just want a super competitive mode that requires hardcore pvp players to queue up, and go up against the other best players across other servers.

Now if this topic has already been covered, I am sorry xD Just link me the video ill watch it.


  • UlfUlf Member
    Ive read your post, and i think that the E-Sports Arena thing, they are not very focused on that yet.
    And is understandable why. One of the key aspects of the game will be the corruption system, Open World PVP, etc etc.

    But nevertheless I would like a group PvP thing where you put some LvL limits ( Ie: from 45 to 55 ) and it's 1 or 2 times a day, and for the different levels, it's something you prepare for, so it's more like a gladiator arena, than a MOBA match. 30vs30, 25 vs 25 , 50 vs 50

  • CaptnChuckCaptnChuck Member
    edited August 2020
    Makes sense. I would definitely love Ashes to have a competitive esports side to it as well.
  • FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

    Arenas will be 3,5, and possibly 20 man free for all and teams.

    There will not be a dungeon or raid finder.

    IS has not mentioned anything about esports so far.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    IS has not mentioned anything about esports so far.
    A long while ago they said that this was not their focus.
  • noaani wrote: »
    IS has not mentioned anything about esports so far.
    A long while ago they said that this was not their focus.

    But it would be nice to have it on the side.
  • NykzNykz Member
    I really hope they make instanced arenas and try to balance 3v3 in some way.

    Arenas been a huge part in WoW for me and im taking about the fights where every team has a chance and the game goes on for 5+ minutes. I hope we dont see "gates open-20 second fight-one team dead" as arena game.
  • AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

    Arenas will be 3,5, and possibly 20 man free for all and teams.

    There will not be a dungeon or raid finder.

    IS has not mentioned anything about esports so far.
    There is never a dungeon finder until there is
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Aardvark wrote: »
    There is never a dungeon finder until there is

    We'll see if IS caves to convenience (Group Finder, Raid Finder and DPS Meters).
  • There won't be stuff like this on launch. There might be stuff like this later in the game though.

    Right now anyway. Could change.

    U.S. East
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Hopefully they never do.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • There is no incentive to include instanced PvP because so much of the game is PvP focused. So if you want to do PvP just go attack a caravan.

    U.S. East
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