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Crafting materials gifted for crafting

Hey everyone, I was going through the forum and one thing came to my mind, will there be a way to lock crafting materials to a person in a way that if they give it to someone to craft something for them, the person crafting will not be able to use or sell the material or end product to any other person but the one that gave them the materials?
I think this would be good to prevent people from scamming and everyone would then be willing to give the resources to the crafters so they can keep doing their job.


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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    At this stage, I don't believe we have anything like that.

    I'd personally like to see a system similar to EQ2's consignment system.

    Basically, a crafter and a buyer meet near an appropriate apparatus for the item being consigned. They open up a window similar to a trade window. The crafter is able to select the item to make, and both the crafter and the buyer are able to put materials in to the window as are required for the item to be made, and the buyer also places coin in there. Then they both accept and the crafter begins crafting the item.

    When the item is finished, it appears in the buyers inventory, not the crafters, the coin appears in the crafters inventory, and the materials come out of whom ever supplied them.

    To me, this is the best such system I have seen.
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    So basically what your saying is that the buyer would use the crafter character to craft what they want?
    I do like that but at the same time what if you had multiple things to craft for multiple players, instead of giving the materials and coming back later to get them, the players would have to wait for it to be done. And I think that wouldnt make crafting a bit boring since your not doing much. I dont know how complex the crafting will be but with that it wouldnt be possible to add much depth to it.
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    "Escrow system
    An escrow system is planned to prevent griefing in the crafting system.[22]

    We're going to have a UI... you're gonna put the resources in or they're gonna put the resources in. It'll be like an escrow system and then once [the job] is complete you'll get the item they'll get the money.[22]"
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    Kyizwa wrote: »
    Hey everyone, I was going through the forum and one thing came to my mind, will there be a way to lock crafting materials to a person in a way that if they give it to someone to craft something for them, the person crafting will not be able to use or sell the material or end product to any other person but the one that gave them the materials?
    I think this would be good to prevent people from scamming and everyone would then be willing to give the resources to the crafters so they can keep doing their job.

    Yes, they do have an Escrow system planned that prevents scamming.
    Livestream 5th May 2017
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