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Family teleportation

KusaijshiKusaijshi Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Hey all.
There is mich talking about the family teleportation System and i Think there is a good Solution without removing it completly.

Give the summening spell 4 things.

1: cooldown fromme 16-20 hours.
That is completly enough to Summon my friends 1 time a day and from this moment there is no neee to use it a 2nd time.
Casual players Play after dinner until they log offline until the next day.
So a huge cooldown is totally fine and hardcore players cant abuse the System to teleport every 30 Minutes.

2 the teleportet Player gets a debuff so he cant get TP anywhere else too.
Same Benefits for casuals and same hardcore player counter that you sonst make a family of 7 twinks whitch you can use to teleport to.
1 a day and fini.

3. You can only Summon a player of you are online for 30/60 minutes + or so.
This way you cant change to a twink summon your friend then he swiches to a twink and summons you.
You need to play a bit to summon your friend.

4. You can only use this spell in 1 area. So in Person 1 is in an other Node region than person 2 you cant summon him. Or neigbor nodes as max
A group of friend will always be near to someone else so no need to allow teleportion over the whole world


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    That third one makes no sense. Imagine the scenario: "Hey man want to jump into Ashes and play together for an hour?" "Nah, I can't summon you unless I already played a bunch today, don't bother."
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    KusaijshiKusaijshi Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    In a group of 8 players 1 is always online before the others. So they can slowly Start to summon each other.
    And if you are friends but 1 needs to do something the others can go Ahead and summon him when he Comes online.

    And yea i dont see a need for instant tp if a group of 8 isnt fine with a small walk if they realy come online in the exact same minute.
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    arsnnarsnn Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    edited August 2020
    Personally id like the summons to be tied to taverns as well.
    Taverns could become summon hubs with strategic position and get more people that visit it.
    It also prevents some abuses.

    Or even better scrap the whole idea of family summons so that hard core players and casuals alike are not forced to abuse it in order to stay competitive. People shouldnt want to optimize the fun out of the game :)
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    KusaijshiKusaijshi Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Yea i totally against the System top but if they keep it in the game it should be realy abuse save.

    Only able to summon someone in town/Taverne is a good idea too.
    They way you still need to move to the dungeon you want to enter as a group

    But it still needs the cooldowns etc. Bacause otherwise i can just go collect Materials and let me teleport back to town 20 times a day.
    1 time a day should be enought for normal usage
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