Map Pings/Markers idea

What if with Guild setup and perms you could enable/disable to ability for anyone or officers to be able to ping the map with either icons of a certain resource or hostiles. If setup with spam protection, and player preference of viewing. Could improve guild wide coordination


  • This is a good idea, seen some mmos were you can draw on the map and your party can see it, worked out well imo for group stuff
  • BotBot Member
    Archeage had a nice system where you could mark the map and draw on the map for your raid. It'd be cool to have a more extensive system including one specifically for your guild.
  • I like that idea. Especially how big the map is and all the different types of group activities to do.
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Don't most guilds have this set up anyway?

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • It is extremely important to maintain a good ping system, it makes the game more dynamic to play in groups of players, often in calls with my friends we look for a direction to follow, a target to face in common, we create moves based on places we have to talk to follow. I think it's very relevant during content to have the possibility of various types of pings with colors and visuals that are visible to everyone in the group, guild, raid, etc.
    It's great within a group to be able to have a ping, and an official from your guild, for example, to have another type of ping, I'm very curious to see what it will be like.
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    What if such a system were available only in taverns and guild halls which had advanced to a certain level? This would make such locations more desirable and increase the use of taverns. If there was a tavern near an area with bosses and caverns, then the guild (or group) could gather there to plan their attack, "Everyone meet at the Bruised Banana in 30 min for the raid!"

    They have these planned and probably for additional interface locations such as guild halls.

    There may be a pinging system for open world (within party/group). Would need a cool and toggle to prevent annoyance of spam. Quite common in many games especially since servers wont be "language" locked.
  • Arya_YesheArya_Yeshe Member
    edited November 2023
    Today's idea about battle maps seems very interesting, placing stuff on the map and making stuff and bonuses spawn in the region, it's almost like a RTS.

    Could be used for:
    • sending and moving npc guards
    • placing and moving npc healers
    • placing and moving beasts
    • placing player spawns
    • showing which is the prefered spawn at the momment
    • placing trebuchets
    • placing supplies
    • placing spikes, traps, fire pits

    I suggest that the Mayor and his councilors theorycraft their strategy along the days and refine the node's strategy and set the strategy on battle map, so for days the node can gather all necessary resources and stockpile essential items. Once everything is in order, they can just save the final version of their map together with other maps they have previously saved (even from previous neighbours). With the map saved and all preparations complete then they can just select which map they want to use for the upcoming battle.

    Every node should have up to 10 different battle maps saved in the city hall, so in the day of the battle the mayor will pulll up all the maps and see which map can be used for deploying the available resources... sometimes the node will have resources for all 10 maps, sometimes for just 1 map if so.

    Thanks, I agree that my idea is the best.

    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • Given the servers will be in constant flux of the rise and fall of nodes/cities, map Makers that offer updates on maps could make for an interesting profession.
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