Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
From aesthetics/flavor alone, what's your build?
[race / gender / archetype (class) / armor / weapon]
For me, it's:
[Dünir / male / Cleric (Templar) / medium robes / two maces]
A holy, drunk, bearded tornado. I'm liking the idea of a heavier Apostle, too.
How about you guys?
Inspiration comes from the Minstrel class in Lotro.
Minstrel type gameplay with the shield giving being more focused on resistance and mitigations.
Sword giving critical rating and raw stats , Robes for casting speed, stats and etc.
[Ren'Kai / Male / Fighter (Bladecaller) / Medium armor / Dual swords]
(Maybe switch to cultist or assassin, I will surely try hella classes.)(Race I guess it will be emp, but idk.)
I'm eager to be a badass lightning rogue who jumps, destroys and vanish yours and in your faces.
(Edit: armor)
I really enjoy highest stealth levels for own safety with the ability to focus fire short bursts to blow something/someone up
― Plato
Leather armor is a possibility too depending on the customization of stats but I am pretty set on the rest for now.
Py'rai / Male / Enchanter (Summoner/Bard) / Light Robes / Staff or Orb
Empyrean / Female / Songcaller (Bard/Summoner) or Soul Weaver (Bard/Cleric) / Leather / Dual 1H Swords
Empyrean / Male / High Sword (Fighter/Cleric) / Plate / 2H Great Sword or Polearm (Whichever is cooler looking. I need to see animations)
I usually main heal in MMOs but I also often choose pet classes or support roles so Cleric, Summoner, and Bard all appeal to me greatly in various combos for my main. Pending further information on the classes and some actual hands-on time during A1-Beta, I should be able to make a final decision.
Ideally, I want to recreate an EQ2 Warden or WoW Resto Druid for my aesthetic so whatever gets me closest to that is the likely pick for my main. Failing that, I played a Holy Pally in WoW so I like that aesthetic too and that's definitely easily doable in AoC or my White Mage from FFXIV with armor and weapon adjustments.
Future Crafting Plans: Herbalism > Alchemy & Scribe or Mining > Metalworking > Jewel cutting (Pending)
- The premise of this build is to control space by extending the reach of skills a conventional tank would have.
I feel this particular kind of loathesome elf would best fit the theme of that playstyle.
Vaelune / Male / Rogue (Charlatan) / Medium Armor / Daggers, Potion Launcher
- This is what I imagine an underdog build would be. I would double down on the utility aspect that a rogue class usually brings by choosing augments which give utility a rogue couldn't typically offer. I feel the Vaelune may be the best representative of the theme I'm going for.
Edit: Had to change the archetypes/classes I chose because I misinterpreted the class list and I went ahead and added my pick for both the melee and ranged slots the wiki alludes to. I thought I might as well include my reasoning for these builds while I'm at it.
Which ever race looks the most Dark-Elf.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
That can (will) change, since we honestly don't know much at all about that.
Vek: Unless I've missed something, we only have a very vague concept art image for this, but I'm leaning towards orc, and if I'm going caster, a smaller version of Orc is more appealing for me, and Ren'Kai would be my choice if I go fighter or something.
Male: Just my default option since I'm a male irl, but will see.
Acolyte: Honestly this is just taken from the air. I'm itching right now to play as a dark magic caster, and since Cleric is life and death (Necromancer is summoner + cleric) I thought that might be the option for that, but again, who knows.
Robe: Just based on what I assume will be the go-to option.
Staff: Just the coolest option IMO.
This could kinda play out like Syrio Forel from GoT. Im really hyped for this combination
Py'rai / Male(prbbly) / Ranger (Scion, Hawkeye, Falconer) / Light Armor (Leather) / Longbow
I would to try a duelist too, and all the classes I wrote, adding too all physical dps class with their same secondary class or mage/cleric and maybe summoner or even bard.
Yes, I want to mix physic and magic xD.
interesting combination
I really wanted to have a massive Hammer as a weapon (like the Hammer in Monster Hunter). Wanted to avoid a sword because it's so mainstream.
Might go Medium Armour for PvP situations. We'll see.
Yup buddy, spears will be included
Sentinel? :O Haven't heard of that?
A heavy frontliner. Anyone gets on the way? They get choped!
Tanks gotta be big so ren'kai is the way.
Leave it up to Nagash to go totally overboard and trump everyone.
and not to be outdone......
Love wielding magic and and swords together and I love tanking. Always feel fantasy elves would weave magic into their fighting style and even a high magic race require front line fighters, my only wish was that half elves existed