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Class (Archetype) Trial Feature?

Hey there, I'm pretty new to the forums and the AoC community altogether. I was wondering if there is going to be a Class Trial feature to test all the possible archetype combination at max level (64 is my understanding) kind of like a test drive to decide if I should invest 100+ hours in a character.

Wow Legion has this


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    Not yet, though I understand the need.

    What I don't understand is why wow would need one. In theory, the first few levels should give you enough insight into how a class functions before reaching any meaningful level of investment.
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    At character creation you have a choice between 8 classes which is a permanent decision. The additional 8 secondary classes are at mid-levels and aren't permanent decisions (can be swapped). So it's not as overwhelming as 64 classes all at once.

    We will most likely get more information as we get closer to release, but selecting your base class is just selecting your role:
    1. Fighter > melee damage bruiser
    2. Rogue > melee damage stealth
    3. Mage > magic range damage
    4. Ranger > physical range damage
    5. Tank > tank
    6. Cleric > healer/support
    7. Bard > support buffer
    8. Summoner > support/damage ?

    Obviously there is some blending in between the roles depending on your subclass and skill specialization, but there is no definitive answer that I'm aware of that says a Cleric (for example), if specced right can be comparable with a mage in terms of damage output.

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    mrwafflesmrwaffles Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
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    BotBot Member
    I definitely would hope we could get a chance to demo a class. All they have to do is integrate it into the character creation process. Create an option to have a level capped character with a training dummy. Since there was talk about the inclusion of a DPS meter or not, if you want to avoid people trying to min-max like that you can just hide or make the damage values 0 for abilities so people don't use it as a way to figure out exactly values for combos and stuff, assuming they don't want that. Regardless, just the ability to test out skills and combos is enough to me.
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    Nah. If you've ever played any MMO in your life, you'll know what archetype you want to pick.

    Don't worry though. By the time of release, there will be a ton of info on archetypes and classes. So you will be able to research and make an informed decision.
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    lunarskylunarsky Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I plan to used Alphas and Betas to test out different archetypes personally. As for adding a feature like that, I wouldn't expect it. IS should be putting together detailed class introductions to give an idea of what kinds of skills each archetype has and no they may play depending on how to spec them out. subclasses only augment abilities so it won't be a night and day difference in gameplay necessarily.
    Future Py'rai (M) - Shaman, Enchanter, Soul Weaver, Templar, or Necromancer (Pending)
    Future Crafting Plans: Herbalism > Alchemy & Scribe or Mining > Metalworking > Jewel cutting (Pending)
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    DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    We need this at lvl 25, when you can choose your secondary class tbh. Everyone can just remake their character in the beginning if the class doesnt fit well with you.
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    I really would hope to be able to test out classes before getting locked in right off the bat. I'm unsure about player names, but if I'm lucky enough to get one without numbers in it, then find out that I don't like it 6 levels in, I feel that it would be rather wasted to create a new character.
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    Really the only people risking anything are those playing alphas and betas because they are the ones going "what's this button do?"

    After alpha testing goes public, it will be very clear (from a disgusting plethora of review vids on yt) exactly what a class is and isn't. And on that note, I'm actually hoping they keep some element of the final touches on each class back that way we all get to find it for ourselves on release.
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    LukianLukian Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    This would be an interesting thing to see but like @Indure said, the second class is swappable I believe. There will be a PTR though which if you wanted to, I'm sure you could test things out there.
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    It is called rolling an alt. Take a few minutes to get to feel the new class. We are going to be spending the rest of our lives on here, so you have time.
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