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Starting Location at Divine Gates

HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Ok so we all know we spawn at a divine gate, and how it would be beneficial to start right away.

A few questions though, will players be able to spawn at the same divine gates? or is this completely random?

Then Does that said player wait or just get started working on the local node they're at, looking to possibly meet up later.

What do you think you will do, start where you're right away, or explore for what could be a much less populated area? In turn farm behind in Node development.

Would like to see your thoughts.


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    1. You choose where you spawn
    2. That's up to each player
    3. I'll probably be venturing far from the divine gate, find a nice region and work on that node
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    HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Ya I think that's a good move to let us pick the Spawn location for sure, with a such a vast world and no fast travel , at least early could of brought back Life is fuedal memories meeting up!
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    Sandman wrote: »
    Ya I think that's a good move to let us pick the Spawn location for sure, with a such a vast world and no fast travel , at least early could of brought back Life is fuedal memories meeting up!

    I hope I get the same feeling exploring this world as I did that first day of life is fuedal.

    I will probably find a military bode with my gaming friends far enough away from a divine gate but not to far as to not have randoms pass by that we can recruit into a pvp guild.
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    NelsonRebelNelsonRebel Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Depends on lore, race, structure designs to me.

    I would like to be a citizen of a node whose architecture matches the lore and aesthestics of my chosen race.

    I'm a big sucker for being thematic and having that reflect around me is actually more important than the type of node is to me to be honest 😂.

    So I'll probably go where the start gate area is that matches the ingame castle design of my race and choose an area near there until the guild I'm apart of can take that castle.
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    HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Depends on lore, race, structure designs to me.

    I would like to be a citizen of a node whose architecture matches the lore and aesthestics of my chosen race.

    I'm a big sucker for being thematic and having that reflect around me is actually more important than the type of node is to me to be honest 😂.

    So I'll probably go where the start gate area is that matches the ingame castle design of my race and choose an area near there until the guild I'm apart of can take that castle.

    That's pretty cool I really like that answer. That's what is making this game great, the vast types of players styles it has.

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    NelsonRebelNelsonRebel Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Sandman wrote: »
    Depends on lore, race, structure designs to me.

    I would like to be a citizen of a node whose architecture matches the lore and aesthestics of my chosen race.

    I'm a big sucker for being thematic and having that reflect around me is actually more important than the type of node is to me to be honest 😂.

    So I'll probably go where the start gate area is that matches the ingame castle design of my race and choose an area near there until the guild I'm apart of can take that castle.

    That's pretty cool I really like that answer. That's what is making this game great, the vast types of players styles it has.

    Thanks. Yeah I know steven is keeping the lore close to the heart for now, since we're supposed to discover it on our own but it makes it all the harder lol. I have spent an untold amount of hours researching lore in games. The elder scrolls being the big one for me. The dunmer there for whatever reason just were extremely cool to me.
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    KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    When the time comes, my guild will be voting on which divine gate we will all begin in. We have a similar idea to travel a little bit away to begin working on the node.The issue with moving to a less populated area is that it will be extremely difficult to lvl a node when the starter zones will clearly have more population and exp going towards the node. With enough of a community voice though, we should be alright!

    If you are interested in hearing more about my guild, PM me and we can chat in discord :).
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    Currently it seems like if your goal is to powerlevel yourself up the quickest then you need to be in the highest tier node on the server so that you are part of the somewhat small % of the server that can be a citizen of that node and have access to the highest tier services that are only available to high tier nodes.

    If your server is a server that 4 major streamers all allied up on and brought their sperg army with them, then their node of choice will greatly outpace every other node on the server. However on normal servers I bet we see 4 or 5 cities in a somewhat close race to who can reach metropolis first. So being a citizen of any of those leading nodes will keep you competitive with access to the highest tier services that nodes offer.

    But I believe the leading node on most servers will be one in the elven starting area. Based on recent polls about picking your favorite race, dwarves were last place and elves were clear cut leaders, with Tulnar at a distant second. But I predict a surge in Tulnar popularity when in Alpha 2 we begin to see all their features and furry options and more of the underrealm. But either way, the most populated starting zones will be Elf and Tulnar, with Dwarven areas being ghost towns. And Node development will match those population densities.

    Yes, we get to pick where we start, but I believe most elves will just go with the game's suggested starting location. And most tulnar will go with the suggested underrealm start area. And alot of non tulnar will be picking underrealm I bet so that could really swing progress towards the underrealm.

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    I will probably do the starting quests, and then make my way to a coastal node (I dont care about the type) and make that my home. I dont want to stay too close to spawn, as that will mean that nodes will probably get vassalized quickly, and housing will cost too much.
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    As a point of interest, I think we'd find Humans in the south-western regions in order to allow the Vaelune access to their deserts. The south-east is closer to two types of forests: one for each Elf. The north-west in close to both mountains/hills (Dünir) and tropical coasts (Niküa). And finally that leaves the orcs in the very rugged north-east.
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