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How Ashes of Creation is Bringing the Community back to MMORPG

HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
edited August 2020 in General Discussion
heys wonderful Ashes community, I recently started a channel to help promote AoC because that's how hyped I'am about this game. I made a short video about the above topic and would love to hear your input on it, and if you feel realm pride, and sense of community is important thanks!


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    KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I like it. Anything that helps promote this game is always going to be appreciated by me!

    The community aspect is 100% the best aspect of what they are building. This will create a whole new level of nostalgia for all of us for years to come.

    If I were to make a suggestion, change it up so you aren't reading through the entire thing in one go. It seemed like that's how it was but it was a good video!
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    HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I appreciate the feedback, I will try to do more freestyle
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    The devs were posed the question of if there will be a prison system in Ashes, like putting a bad node citizen in jail overnight because he was an ass in the node Tavern during a game of cards. The response was likely no prison, because the problem is, it's no fun to be in prison and as a game you pay $15/mo for, you're not paying that to be in prison or to be forced to stay logged out for 2 days while you wait for your prison sentence to expire. I personally could be for such a system, but I share the same concerns, how do you do it in a way that doesn't cause players to leave the game.
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    HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Ya I think a system like this can work, Archeage messed it up royally! I don't think the crime should be to stiff because you're right no one wants to play to sit in prison. That being said a way to check ass hats would be nice. And since there is a Mayor, it could be limited to him and maybe a council he appoints. for that city.

    If they run a bad jail, well that's 1 mark against them getting re elected. Very much appreciate your feedback though thank you!
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    What about those players being excluded from NPC services for a given time? "The citizens of this node despise you and will not work with you."
    That would not take the whole fun from the game but be a considerable punishment if you are not able to sell items or repair or use work benches etc.
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    HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Ya I'm not positive but I believe if they have a certain level of corruption they will not be allowed to interact with some npc's. Perhaps someone can double check me on that. If not then I would like to see that.

    Also something to a smaller extent just for your normal internet warriors on the chat channel, you don't want trolls ruining your city channel which I'm assumin we can have.
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