Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Suggestion for Gatherer Utilitys in PvE

Similar to how the rogue adventure class can find hidden rooms, chests, etc, I believe it would be really cool if say a high level Miner went along inside a dungeon and had abilities that helped them/the party defeat rock/metal based enemies like golems or elementals. A mechanic I thought of for this would be where a side of the creature shines at random points in the fight, and if the miner hits their mining button during that shine and on the right side, a chunk of lootable ore drops on the ground and the creature is stunned for a small duration. This could be expanded to having nodes that only spawn in said dungeons for mining, hidden passages that help skip mobs, or even causing rocks to fall in various areas to weaken enemy packs.
For fishing they could be able to track monstrous creatures in the oceans that allow for sea-based water dungeons/battles. They could apply debuffs that help defeat aquatic creatures maybe even temporarily snare a creature by wrapping them with their fishing pole line for a few moments.
Herbalism isn't something im too passionate about so here goes my suggestion. They too could be used to clear alternative pathing inside dungeons/the world through brambles or prickly vines. When fighting a plant-based creature they can use their sickle to collect special poisons/healing herbs that can be used for a limited time on your allies or foes alike. And here's a totally silly suggestion. Allow them to gather corruption-eater herbs that can be traded/sold to corrupted players, reducing their corruption while increasing the herbalist's corruption. The Devil's Lettuce Muahaha
Lumberjack could be interesting, Allow them to drop trees on mob packs for a stun duration and some damage, a minor increase to dealing damage with axe weapons, and perhaps allow them to climb trees for a better view of their surroundings, increasing their perception and allowing a sort of radar for enemies, lumberjack resources, and other players.
Now the last one I know of is taming and thats already got a ton of things that will be happening so ill try to keep it simple. Beast creatures can be temporarily taken control of to fight for you or pacified for some time. Also having the ability to cause a stampede on an area would be pretty cool.
Let me know what you guys think this is my first post on here lol and I'm really excited for the game.
For fishing they could be able to track monstrous creatures in the oceans that allow for sea-based water dungeons/battles. They could apply debuffs that help defeat aquatic creatures maybe even temporarily snare a creature by wrapping them with their fishing pole line for a few moments.
Herbalism isn't something im too passionate about so here goes my suggestion. They too could be used to clear alternative pathing inside dungeons/the world through brambles or prickly vines. When fighting a plant-based creature they can use their sickle to collect special poisons/healing herbs that can be used for a limited time on your allies or foes alike. And here's a totally silly suggestion. Allow them to gather corruption-eater herbs that can be traded/sold to corrupted players, reducing their corruption while increasing the herbalist's corruption. The Devil's Lettuce Muahaha
Lumberjack could be interesting, Allow them to drop trees on mob packs for a stun duration and some damage, a minor increase to dealing damage with axe weapons, and perhaps allow them to climb trees for a better view of their surroundings, increasing their perception and allowing a sort of radar for enemies, lumberjack resources, and other players.
Now the last one I know of is taming and thats already got a ton of things that will be happening so ill try to keep it simple. Beast creatures can be temporarily taken control of to fight for you or pacified for some time. Also having the ability to cause a stampede on an area would be pretty cool.
Let me know what you guys think this is my first post on here lol and I'm really excited for the game.
What would the other profession trees get?
Dont forget, you can learn all professions in your chosen tree to the max. A gathering master can be a master in all gathering professions no matter what. Fishing, Lumberjacking, mining or herb gathering doesnt matter.
edit: From what im reading on the wiki it doesn't explicitly say that all the gather classes stack up together. Unless you have a source that says specifically that they all benefit each other. I would be quite irritated if a dude picking flowers was gaining exp toward being a better fisher or vice versa.
because thats how it sadly is.
"Players must choose a path in the artisan skill tree for each character. Within each of the three parent artisan paths (Gathering, Processing and Crafting) there are different professions. A character may only ever master one of these parent paths."
"Gathering is a parent artisan path, along with processing and crafting. Within each of the three parent paths lies different professions. You may only ever master one parent path. But you may spend time mastering each profession within the parent artisan path."
Forcing us to *shudder* work together.... *hurk*
I would rather be able to master only three professions at all no matter what major tree they come from (mining, gem cutting, jewel crafting)
If I want to trade with other professions to save time then LET ME DECIDE THAT ON MY OWN! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WILL BE TO GET ANY RARE HIGH END GEMS?!?
I will most likely have to make a raiding mining twink just to get to all those juicy gems... Q.Q
We've seen both. In the wiki it says that you can master multiple professions in a single artisan class. But in the interview with Asmongold, he said that you can only master one. So we don't know for sure which one is right. I think its the latter.
Back to your suggestion about the professions having an ability in pve content other crafting stuff before hand. I think it's a nice idea but would need to be pure utility otherwise it's Damokles said, there would be meta professions to clear content.
You start out with gathering.
Miners can upgrade to smelting, gemcutting or stone carving which will then turn into blacksmithing, jewelcrafting and stonemasonry depending on what processing direction you chose.
A jewelcrafter would still require the higher materials from the smelting path, but they would not be as important as the gems that they would be able to cut themselves.
That's exactly what was proclaimed in the latest information we got though.
We also heard, that its under revision. So we don't know anything basically.
Yeah i checked the wiki and it was supposedly a direct quote. Gathering is a parent artisan path, along with processing and crafting. Within each of the three parent paths lies different professions. You may only ever master one parent path. But you may spend time mastering each profession within the parent artisan path.[33] – Steven Sharif
I don't think this is the proper path to go tbh. Personally i dont see many people wanting to be the master of gathering, but rather a single artisan class. I want to be a master Angler and want that choice to mean as much as choosing my adventurer classes. Perhaps that is too far, but that's the kind of hope I have for the game.