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UI and Interface advice/concern (for the devs)

This message is intended for the devs.

Hello there. First off, I just discovered your game, watched a few videos and read some articles. I'm very enthusiastic and appreciate your passion and hard work towards creating such a game for us to enjoy. It looks very promising, can't wait for the release.

One major issue so far though : I would advise you to rework some of the UI and interface elements (inventory, item icons, player and party bars, spell icons...). As I may be misinformed, I do not know whether or not they are simply placeholders so far, but I sure do hope so.

At the risk of offending the person in charge of such, it just feels cheap and ''light'' as it currently stands, meaning... less meaningful, engaging and therefore immersive.

Some of the various tabs look really good, but the inventory and other areas should be like a ''fantasy-garnished book with a soul'' feel with amazing borders, details and such. While some elements are good or even acceptable other aren't, the way it currently looks is merely ''OK'' - but why simply pass a test when you could ace it ? Rework it, give it more... material/depth/unique details.

1) Give item icons depth, make them a tiny bit bigger, border, something. Same for the spell icons, both look extremely bland and uninspired. Find a way to give them ''flavor'' or ''life''. Heck you could even keep the current designs and simply make enhancements, no need to re-do it all from scratch.

2) Same goes for the life/mana/party bars. Just no, too bland, too basic. Do you wanna be the king, or do you want to be just just another mere soldier ?

As a fellow designer, creator and avid mmo enthusiast myself, I'm just trying to help, as it's a core aspect of any game. UI and interface visuals are extremely important and are often underestimated. It will in turn help bringing you additional players as well as retain current ones. Trust me.

If you need further advice on the topic or another, let me know.
Keep up the good work,



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    CaptnChuckCaptnChuck Member
    edited August 2020
    Yuniel wrote: »
    This message is intended for the devs.

    1) Give item icons depth, make them a tiny bit bigger, border, something. Same for the spell icons, both look extremely bland and uninspired. Find a way to give them ''flavor'' or ''life''. Heck you could even keep the current designs and simply make enhancements, no need to re-do it all from scratch.

    2) Same goes for the life/mana/party bars.

    I agree with this. I would love to some more depth to the UI.
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    VarkunVarkun Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    The UI as it stands is all placeholder and this has been said many times.

    But having said that it is good to put forward thoughts on what the functionality of the UI should be and as IS has said they love to hear constructive feedback both good and bad.
    Close your eyes spread your arms and always trust your cape.
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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I personally find Amazon`s New World UI/Interface viusally appealing, uncluttered / clean, concise and legible.

    I saw the UI that was in development for other components in progress that seemed to follow a similar style.
    I hope that there are similarities or if not, then the UI can be modded to achieve similar.

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    MaezrielMaezriel Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Allow stuff like elvui.

    Bloated w/ more options than anyone actually needs?

    I'm liking that Intrepid is sticking to their guns as far as no mods b/c it'll force them to keep the UI updated to modern standards so we don't run into the same 15 year old clunker that is WoW b/c Blizz relies on Mod Authors to do the heavy work.
    If I said something that you disagree w/ feel free to say so here.
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    One of my biggest complaints with games is the UI and how we have to rely on Outside sources to come up with Mod's to allow us to ability to create the 'right screen layout'.

    Can we get an UI that we can un-lock and allows us to options to drag items (quick slots, party icons,...) where we want on the screen and re-sized the parts we want such as bigger health bars?

    I don't like it when I need to download a Mod from an outside source in order to customize my screen to have a better play experience.
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    He literally said in the video that all of the UI you are seeing is temporary, he also said that the UI will be fully customizable. Do you guys just watch the video and not listen to it?
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    BirthdayBirthday Member
    edited September 2020
    OP can you show examples and give more detailed explanations of what you'd like to see?

    Honestly I can't imagine what you want to see.

    The icons for spells and items - I couldn't care less if everything else looks good.
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