Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
About immersion and gameplay
Well I'm Brazilian and I would like to talk about some ideas, which may seem silly, but I think they would help a lot in the immersion of the game, I apologize for my broken English, and feel free to speak your ideas too, or your opinion on
I played wow for a while, and there are two things that WoW do well and other games have not been able to reproduce in the same way :
1 - fluidity of movement in combat, it may seem simple, but it is one of the main things that hold players there today. The game's handling in combat is so good that most players move even in pve as if they were in pvp, even if it doesn't make any difference. As in the game you have to face the enemy to be able to hit or use magic, it is a great incentive to move in pvp. Result: the combats are not "two statues hiting each other", you have to be moving even if you play as a magician. And even if you need to walk in the middle of a magic conjuration, the character walks and cuts the channeling without any strange scene, maybe do not make the character do complex moves while conjuring a skill help a lot in this.. I know that it looks simple but helps with immersion, and I even saw the asmongold commenting on the fluidity of the combat movement on wow.
2-immersion (in my opinion just classic wow), I'm not going to talk about the incentive to explore the world here because I haven't seen it yet in AOC, but about the spells and abilities, there were several types of spells that weren't used so much in combat, but were cool to have, they were useful in a few cases, but by the flavor they were there. And I think there should be more ultities skills for classes in AOC, as the classes themselves are many, I suggest that these skills be linked to archetypes. It is okay for an archetype to have more of these skills than others, it is normal for a magician to have more skills than a warrior. and as they are not combat spells it would not influence much in the game now. for example, a bard could out of combat play a song and friends who are nearby and listen to the song for 30 seconds get a 10% xp buff for killing mobs. summoners could summon some type of eye, and while using this spell it stands still, and the player moves with the eye to spy on locations. magicians could make an invisibility dome, that if you enter in combat it is broken, rogues can disguise themselves as objects hahaha, and so on, are many possibilities, and not all of these skills need to be really useful, they can be here for the flavor , and not all archetypes need to have several of them as well, and maybe the races also have similar abilities.
well, I think this ideas would do well for the game.
I played wow for a while, and there are two things that WoW do well and other games have not been able to reproduce in the same way :
1 - fluidity of movement in combat, it may seem simple, but it is one of the main things that hold players there today. The game's handling in combat is so good that most players move even in pve as if they were in pvp, even if it doesn't make any difference. As in the game you have to face the enemy to be able to hit or use magic, it is a great incentive to move in pvp. Result: the combats are not "two statues hiting each other", you have to be moving even if you play as a magician. And even if you need to walk in the middle of a magic conjuration, the character walks and cuts the channeling without any strange scene, maybe do not make the character do complex moves while conjuring a skill help a lot in this.. I know that it looks simple but helps with immersion, and I even saw the asmongold commenting on the fluidity of the combat movement on wow.
2-immersion (in my opinion just classic wow), I'm not going to talk about the incentive to explore the world here because I haven't seen it yet in AOC, but about the spells and abilities, there were several types of spells that weren't used so much in combat, but were cool to have, they were useful in a few cases, but by the flavor they were there. And I think there should be more ultities skills for classes in AOC, as the classes themselves are many, I suggest that these skills be linked to archetypes. It is okay for an archetype to have more of these skills than others, it is normal for a magician to have more skills than a warrior. and as they are not combat spells it would not influence much in the game now. for example, a bard could out of combat play a song and friends who are nearby and listen to the song for 30 seconds get a 10% xp buff for killing mobs. summoners could summon some type of eye, and while using this spell it stands still, and the player moves with the eye to spy on locations. magicians could make an invisibility dome, that if you enter in combat it is broken, rogues can disguise themselves as objects hahaha, and so on, are many possibilities, and not all of these skills need to be really useful, they can be here for the flavor , and not all archetypes need to have several of them as well, and maybe the races also have similar abilities.
well, I think this ideas would do well for the game.
That's what alpha 1 and 2 are for. Combat and movement and everything in general will be worked upon and improved by beta. I really don't want to see New World's type of movement/combat. It just looks so scuffed.
Steven has already said that different archetypes will have different utility skills. In July's AMA, he said that Rogues will be able to find hidden doors in dungeons and stuff. He also said that rangers will be able to "track-find".