Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Cosmetics not available until max lvl

It is not an issue for me the fact that you can buy cosmetics for whatever the price is, and it is perfectly fine that Intrepid uses it to fund their project and so on... But my humble opinion is that we should not be available to wear them (or at least that other people could not see you wearing them in-game) until we reach max level, because for me, it doesnt make sense to see a lvl 7 fighter, for example, wearing the best and coolest outfit in the game.
I dont know if this is implemented yet or if they intend to. If that is the case, or even if other users already talked about this, Im sorry I dont have much time to read all the news and stuff, I just wanted to share my thoughts.
Keep the good work and thanks for reading.
I dont know if this is implemented yet or if they intend to. If that is the case, or even if other users already talked about this, Im sorry I dont have much time to read all the news and stuff, I just wanted to share my thoughts.
Keep the good work and thanks for reading.
You were already an accomplished Hero on Sanctus. The travel through the Divine Gate has very hard on your body though. Normal people or beginning adventures would not have survived it in the first place.
Due to that, you have to regain your strength fighting for survival in Verra. You might have temporarily lost your strength, but you didn't lose the trinkets and armor you have gained on Sanctus. That's why you are allowed to wear endgame looking Armor at Level 1.
Now it does make sense.
How I imagine leveling and getting stronger in Ashes.
We came over as a member of the second wave. First came the scouts, to establish base camps and map the immediate environment.
Then it was our turn. The best and fittest that the forces on Sanctum could muster. Now that we have returned to a magic rich environment, this environment is nurishing us, increasing our strength, dexterity and intelligence.
With each slain enemy, our bodies learn how to use the mana to reinforce our bodies, gaining muscle memory (Experience).
After some time they make a breakthrough increasing whatever piece of our body would help us survive longer.
Remember, our ancestors were used to a mana rich environment. I could imagine that they were like the high Elves from WoW after loosing the Well of Eternity/Sunwell.
Not that I agree with the OP, I don't think you should need to be at level cap to use the cosmetics you likely spent a *lot of money* on, but this is very poor reasoning to justify it. Most of the cosmetic items are canonically from Verra, not Sanctus, and have magical/mystic properties that couldn't be possible on Sanctus (as magic doesn't exist there). Not to mention the majority of cosmetics are for buildings, caravans, pets, and mounts which would ALSO only be found on Verra.
Frankly you don't need a lore justification. They expect level cap to take over a month to get to with 'average play'. I don't want to wait that long to use the stuff I spent hard cash to get.
Haha touché, but still... meh, and I love cosmetics and things like transmog. Its fine for me if you can wear them from lvl 1, but my inner voice says that if you are a level 3 shitty necromancer you should look like one
oh i didn't actually know that. Not too much into the lore aspect.
How could they open the divine gate without magic at the point of origin?
And also, what if these were treasured relics from the time before the apocalypse. Their great (x10) Ancestors were able to bring them with themselves back when the apocalypse happened, now the descendants bring them back in the hope, that these magical/mystic properties will allow them to get through they journey waiting on them in Verra the same way they helped their ancestors in the years before the apocalypse.
A level 7 fighter wearing the best cosmetic in the game will not be quite the way you are thinking. The cosmetic displayed is based on the quality of the gear that it is applied to.
An example from the BR is the Obsidian Armor cosmetic that was earned at level 50 or purchased for cash. If you applied it to your armor in character select and then got a common armor upon entering the BR, the cosmetic armor your character was wearing would not look anything like the picture of the armor when you bought (or earned) it. It did not look nearly as good as the picture shown for purchase. I remember seeing multiple posts about this accusing IS of a bait and switch.
However, if you picked up a legendary armor in the BR, then the appearance of the cosmetic Obsidian Armor showing would be added to and show the full image of the armor. This is because the appearance of cosmetic items are altered based on the quality of gear in use.
Perhaps cosmetics are exactly that and provide no armor/combat bonuses. So if you did see players they're most likely going to be dawning their fancy duds in a casual or social manner rather than combat. I wouldn't have a problem with that. If you don't have a million dollars at least dress like you do.
Once I saw the prices it kind of turned me off of buying anything. Here is my breakdown of the $375 package:
take it with a grain of salt but I think i'd rather invest $375 towards a new vid card to run the game over the next couple few years.
Access to test phases are a wash and no value here. If anything you're working for free to test. Game companies give away test spots to gather data and bugs. It might be cool to say that you are in early access and can see the game ahead of time but no items to be used towards the game other then perhaps knowledge of the zones and quests. Okay maybe a few bucks..
Next is the 9 months of sub at $135. There is no savings here if the game ends up being sub-based at $15 a month.
Next is the $125 in embers. We'll come back to this one...
So far we've accounted for 260 of our 375 bucks... Maybe a few more for testing access.
Lets jump to the Name Reservation. We'll say that's a $10 value based on RENAMES in other games that shall remain nameless.
Last we have 6 cosmetic items. We are at $105 remaining divided by 6 items is $17.50 per each cosmetic item.
We also had the $125 in embers. Which is roughly the value of 7 cosmetic item at $17.50 a piece.
I've always had a hard time when I see game dropping cosmetic items at $25 bucks or in this case $17.50. So what is my magic number you ask? I don't think I really have one but I've often wondered how many more people would buy or rather "could" afford to buy into a special item at lower prices. I'd certainly be more inclined to shop and spend on virtual items at lower prices. But in this scenario I think i'll hold out for a new vid card.
I do wish purchasers the best for their investment though and hope they enjoy their items fully.
This is correct. Cosmetics change the appearance of the gear that is worn but provide no in game advantage.
Steven wants exclusivity to be a focus in Ashes. Not everyone will have everything.
"The exclusive nature of the limited availability is something I think collectors value. If you buy cosmetics as an MMO player, I know I enjoyed if the cosmetic is rare and not every girl at the party is wearing the same dress...The good thing about these packs is they contain no P2W advantages..."-Steven Sharif
Not gonna happen.
A good scenario would be tier cosmetics. If you are lv 10 you cant equip a lv 20 cosmetic.
If you are lv 40 you cant equip a lv 50 cosmetic.
Still, not gonna happen.
Cosmetics already scale based on gear quality. See above about the Obsidian Armor