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Swimming Details

I think it would be cool if the swimming animation was synced with the forward progression movement. So if you're doing breaststroke, it wouldn't be a consistent forward speed - the speed of swimming would slow and speed up with the stroke. Not too much otherwise it would probably be super annoying. Maybe the camera would follow an average speed of the avatar.

Also what if you could switch strokes? Different speeds, usage of stamina (if applicable) or other factors that would influence their effectiveness. Or when you are swimming on the surface the stroke switches to freestyle and then back to breaststroke when underwater.

Can we have swimming races??? What if your speed is influenced by a stat?


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    ShaladoorShaladoor Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Doggy paddle all the way.
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    Sorry but when you mentioned this it brought back memories of the ultimate button masher arcade game, Track and Field
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    I want water physics. Since there will be naval combat you should be at risk if drowning in the high sea.

    Under water combat is so immersion breaking in most games.

    I don't care if you're Mike Tyson throwing a punch underwater doesn't work.

    Treading water for over 45 min can be extremely exhausting. Nevermind doing it in full plate.

    That being said I'm not sure I'd be exactly thrilled about a swimming mini game.
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