Death and taxes, but mostly death. Where will I go when I die? (In AoC)

Hurf DerfmanHurf Derfman Member
edited August 2020 in General Discussion
So what happens when you die in Ashes of Creation?

Usually there is some sort of penalty for dying. A tax on time to run back and a durability hit to your equipment is pretty standard. Where a dungeon death sends you back to the entrance.

Since AoC will have open world dungeons, there will clearly be pvp in there.

So I wanna know what happens when you die?
Will these penalties apply if slain by a player?
Where do I Rez? Will I have to do a corpse run?
Let's skip talking about corruption, I get that one.


  • Example of areas of concern:

    I'm tanking a dungeon, half my party gets gibbed by a rival guild. We kill them all but cannot proceed without the full party.

    Where will they Rez? Where will the enemy Rez? Are they going to get bashed until we leave to go get them? Would they be able to run back or would mob spawns prevent it?
    Is my groups fighter at risk of having his sword break cause they're out numbered until we regroup?
  • JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    edited August 2020
    You drop a percentage of your gatherables of craftables. The exact percentage varies based on your combatant state.

    You earn an amount of negative experience. Again, the amount varies based on your combatant state.

    You respawn at the nearest respawn point; unless you are corrupted then you respawn at a random one.

    Yes there are rezzes, assuming your Cleric didn't die.
    Make sure to check out Ashes 101
  • KneczhevoKneczhevo Member
    edited August 2020
    I finally narrowed this down. :smile:

    If you die, you get/receive an "exp debt". Which you can recover with more questing and killing. If you suffer to many deaths, your abilities will deminish (hit points, skill levels, etc), but you will not "delevel". But, if you die enough times, you might be as effective as a level 1. Lord forbid, if that ever happens to anyone. Lol

    Death Debt; is when you loose an amount of gains that can be recovered by any means.

    Now, for "Death penalty". This is when you loose something (exp, loot, gear, etc).

    This occurs when people are flagged. Flagging occurs when people instigate PvP outside the PvP areas (ie. caravans, sieges, node wars, arenas, etc). If you die, you have a chance to drop gatherables, depending on your combat state (non-combat, combatant, corrupted.) If your red (corrupted) you have a chance of dropping your gear, upon your death. "Don't murder people!"

    Murder is killing someone outside the PvP areas (as discribed above). The Corruption system is designed for farming rights and settling scores. Do it to much, you get corrupted. Try griefing with it, and it will punish you. Killing people is okay, in PvP areas. Just don't murder people outside of them.

    But, where do we respawn, when we die? We don't know yet. Some people speculate random areas, to prevent zerging. Dunno. But, you can't have everyone running across the globe, just to get back in your event.

    You will notice, in the siege videos. The attackers can grab a Rez portal inside the castle to capture, so the attackers can spawn in closer to the objective, after defeating a boss. No clue how this works in outside PvP. Probably the normal "bind spots". After all, it is a MMORPG.

    Sorry, I could not be more concise and shorter. It's really complex, and people are having a tough time wrapping their heads around it. Hope it helps.

    Perhaps some "content creator" will make an animated, claymation video (Hint, hint) or something.

    Edit: added a, don't murder people, killing is okay comment.
  • @Jahlon thx
    So waypoint Rez locations exist, and the don't release unless the healer is dead doctrine will be applied. Good to know.

    Hopefully the xp loss for being purple flagged won't be to severe.
  • @Kneczhevo based on how the flagging system works I woul likely be purple flagged 90% of the time.

    Red (corrupted) can burn on a spit.

    Hopefully purple (mutual combatant) won't incur a xp or durability loss.

    Would suck to be a lone dps and Rez somewhere only to find yourself horribly out numbered, or to get smashed down a level by players while trying to get back to your event.
  • So the next question, is outside of being corrupted, should purple or green flagged players suffer anything other than the inconvenience of having to run back to the event if/when killed by another player?
  • @Kneczhevo based on how the flagging system works I woul likely be purple flagged 90% of the time.

    Red (corrupted) can burn on a spit.

    Hopefully purple (mutual combatant) won't incur a xp or durability loss.

    Would suck to be a lone dps and Rez somewhere only to find yourself horribly out numbered, or to get smashed down a level by players while trying to get back to your event.

    That's what Intrepid wants, Everyone blue (combatant). But there are some who don't want to be blue. So, you get greens (non-combatant). But then there are those times, when you want/need to remove a green. Murder to many greens, you get corrupted. Don't murder greens! Kill one or two, okay.
  • Blue/purple. Whatever.

    Purple reminds me of Epic.

    Blue reminds me of middle line.

    Combatant reminds me of middle ground.

    Thanks @Jahlon and "our" color blindedness and your charts. /Hugs
  • @Kneczhevo hmm I assumed non-combat was the default state.

    Generally speaking the only way I'm not fighting back is if I'm afk, horribly out leveled, or the guy attacking me has multiple friends waiting for me to flag while he initiates.
  • It is, unless you "toggle" it to combatant. Your choice. Carebear vs look@metarget.
  • Hurf DerfmanHurf Derfman Member
    edited August 2020
    So let's say I die in a dungeon as purple flagged and the entire dungeon rezes at the same rally point.

    Could be an hot spot for pvp.
    One solution would be to have purple flagged revert back to green so they can regroup with their party.

    As for those who are hostile because guild/node/religious war there should be no xp loss, or item durability damage.
    Otherwise bullshit de-leveling tactics would ensue, and become a meta.
  • Ya, well. Now you're begining to speculate, and this gets dangerous.

    "There is no exception to the rule, except to the rule of exceptions.".
  • Fair enough.

    I'm weirdly ok with the loot pinata aspects remaining.
  • KneczhevoKneczhevo Member
    edited August 2020
    Ya... Loot pinatas. This one gunna be fun. Especially when a red decides he gunna ruin the party.

    Remember. Reds can't join any event... Part of the corruption system.

  • Kneczhevo wrote: »
    Ya... Loot pinatas. This one gunna be fun. Especially when a red decides he gunna ruin the party.

    Remember. Reds can't join any event... Part of the corruption system.


    Orly? Didn't know that.

    Good. I may dabble in bounty hunting. 🤠😎
  • Bounty hunters is a total other topic. With the Corruption being as punishing as it is, who will red up for the bounty hunters?
  • @Kneczhevo
    That's actually a really good point.

    When I first heard about it I thought it was away to hunt criminals, and stuff like attacking caravans would give you corruption.

    Boy was I wrong.

    Military nodes may need something else. Not much is known about em, and seem lackluster compared to what is known about the others.
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Ya we really need to see the Know your nodes for the last two.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • @Hurf Derfman

    Like I said, it's complex. Intrepid is playing with new ruleset based on old skool mechanics. And people can't wrap their heads around it. Especially those who come from other game styles (fps, rts, mmo, 5x, what ever). Most never played a real MMORPG before. Just because the box says mmo or PvP, does not equate to MMORPG. There are very few, MMORPGs make PvP work (Eve, Ultima, planet side, I believe) AoC is offering is PvX. A new system, and it's confusing. Even to the hardcore's.

    Alas. Engineers can't speak laymen. And a lot gets lost in translation. Reason I am pushing for a Lexicon. So peeps, like yourself, will be better informed.
  • @Kneczhevo lexicon sounds so mystical.🤭

    I feel like I'm fairly up to speed at this point. Looking forward to the qa tomorrow.

    There are many things I'm curious about but the info simply isn't public yet.

    Things like augments, the other 4 archetypes active skills, what a Vek looks like ect.
  • @Hurf Derfman

    Vek are going to be goblins, and the nano dwarves are gnomes. Shhhh. Our secret.

    But, yup.
  • Kneczhevo wrote: »
    @Hurf Derfman

    Vek are going to be goblins, and the nano dwarves are gnomes. Shhhh. Our secret.

    But, yup.


  • So the next question, is outside of being corrupted, should purple or green flagged players suffer anything other than the inconvenience of having to run back to the event if/when killed by another player?

    Yes. Having penalties for dying discourages passive, uninteractive gameplay, and it discourages reckless trollish gameplay like pulling mobs onto people or leroy jenkins'ing content you're not suited for.

    If there's no consequence to dying, it may as well be a fast-travel-to-town system.
  • A non-combatant (green player) who dies suffers normal penalties, which include:[3]

    Experience debt (negative experience).[4]
    • Skill and stat dampening.[3]
    • Lower health and mana.[3]
    • Lower gear proficiency.[3]
    • Reduction in drop rates from monsters.[5]
    • Durability loss.[3]
    • Dropping a percentage of carried raw materials.[3]
    • This includes a percentage of items carried on the player's mule.[6]
    • This also includes a percentage of the certificates a player is carrying.[7]

    A combatant (purple player) who dies suffers these same penalties, but at half the rate of a non-combatant.[3]
    A corrupt (red player) suffers penalties at four times[8] the rate of a non-combatant, and has a chance to drop any carried/equipped items based on their current corruption score.

    Death penalties do not differ between PvP and PvE, but this is subject to change.[13]
  • SaucissonSaucisson Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2020
    An important thing to consider, when you are in a group and you die (and only you) deep into a dungeon, you'll have to join back your group but depending on the amount of other players clearing the dungeon, this can be difficult alone just because of the mobs you can't ignore or kill alone, or the time it would take. So sometime your whole group might need to go back and get you.

    That's how it worked in DAoC where we had non-instanciated dungeons.

    Regarding XP penalty on death, something i liked in DAoC was that you could go back where you died if you wanted and pray on the little stone tomb you left behind when you died. This would give you back a portion of what you lost. One of the fun part of this is that you could see in some dangerous area a bunch of tombs and be more careful, also, randomly finding the tomb of a player you knew was always fun :D
  • Yeah I've seen the head mechanic before in other games.

    Instead of running back to your corpse you ran back to the location of your death to reclaim lost XP.

    I liked it at the time.
  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    The name of the game is to protect your clerics at all costs. Otherwise you'll be running back with that group that is trying to gank you!
  • @KHRONUS Yeah, and don't release if the healer is still up and wait for a Rez.

    Otherwise as it stands now, you may have to wait for your purple flag to drop before releasing.

    Anything beyond that is hard to gauge without more clarification from the Devs.
  • Caeryl wrote: »
    So the next question, is outside of being corrupted, should purple or green flagged players suffer anything other than the inconvenience of having to run back to the event if/when killed by another player?

    Yes. Having penalties for dying discourages passive, uninteractive gameplay, and it discourages reckless trollish gameplay like pulling mobs onto people or leroy jenkins'ing content you're not suited for.

    If there's no consequence to dying, it may as well be a fast-travel-to-town system.

    Suicide by PVP is hardly an efficient means of fast travel.

    Obviously death penalties are fine in a PVE context for the reasons you mentioned.

    And corrupted deserve to have their pants taken from them.
  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    @Hurf Derfman I don't know man......that goes against years of me telling people "don't be lazy waiting for a rez, release and run back!!!" haha. But yeah that makes sense!
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