
IzilIzil Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
First of all i wanted to say its probably threads about weapon ideas already, but i didnt find any so please forgive me.

Not sure if devs planned glaive looking weps to be included in spear category or spear cosmetic, but as so many people love glaives its great content for the game and yet a fine distinction from spear and halberd. Some ideas:










  • Those are hella clean would be interesting to see
  • Simple but stylish thanks for sharing.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    The problem with glaives in Ashes would be that they fall right between the helbard and spear. They have the heft of a helbard but the overall design of a spear.
    But i would really appreciate it if they had spear skins like a glaive.
    (If they had a glaive weapon type, then I would be hard pressed not to switch to it from my helbard bae)
  • What if staves could also look like glaives?

    Since weapons are all going to have an AOE size and shape based on type, along with different passives to spec into you do biring up an interesting idea.

    A sword slashes with better reach than an ax, but a rapier thrusts and stabs.

    A halberd was a two handed slashing thrusting weapon with great reach. Spears could be thrown, a thrusting weapon when used with a shield, or handled like a quarter staff with both hands but with a stabby point. I suppose a glaive could land somewhere between the two. Similar to a quarter staff but with slightly better reach and slashing damage.
  • lunarskylunarsky Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I think it's likely you'll see glaives in-game probably from the Ren'kai especially. Since they draw their design from Asian cultures I would stand to reason you'd see design that resembles the Naginata for example which is basically a glaive. So perhaps Ren'kai weaponsmiths will have something like it in their recipe book.
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  • Damokles wrote: »
    The problem with glaives in Ashes would be that they fall right between the helbard and spear. They have the heft of a helbard but the overall design of a spear.
    But i would really appreciate it if they had spear skins like a glaive.
    (If they had a glaive weapon type, then I would be hard pressed not to switch to it from my helbard bae)

    Halbers were more of a stationary piercing and crushing damage.

    Glaives are more of slashing weapons for aoe damage.
  • Kazan TennoKazan Tenno Member, Intrepid Pack
    I'd like to see glaives, to be honest. I think they'd fit well with the current art direction of the weapons we saw in APOC.
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  • VyrakaVyraka Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I haven't really seen much on weapon types, but wouldn't it just be easier to lump it all into a category called polearms?
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Vyraka wrote: »
    I haven't really seen much on weapon types, but wouldn't it just be easier to lump it all into a category called polearms?

    Halberds are basically the polearm category.
    They even had a Trident design under polearms.

    You differentiate between Spears and halberds/Polearms in Ashes, because spears are more single target oriented in their attack arcs, while Polearms/Halberds have more sweeping attacks.
    (Thats how it was in APOC at least)
  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'm down as long as I can main tank with a glaive. If not, I will be sad.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    KHRONUS wrote: »
    I'm down as long as I can main tank with a glaive. If not, I will be sad.

    Steven already confirmed that one handed spears are a thing. Find a glaive skin for spears and go in like a true spartan! :D
  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    @Damokles I'm so excited for this! I makes sense with my ability to harpoon pull!
  • BaSkA_9x2BaSkA_9x2 Member
    edited September 2020
    I have so many memories of playing a Glaive and a Spear in Silkroad, they had some over the top designs, but it's really cool to have a weapon with high melee range and skills accordingly.
    🎶Galo é Galo o resto é bosta🎶
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