

I am very interested in this game, but I have an important question, is this game viable playing PvP only? I don't care about PvE, I just want to play Arenas, roaming, and sieges.



  • Great BraeGreat Brae Member
    edited September 2020
    As far as I read, it will have pve dungeons and hunting/gathering, but almost everything else is pvp. Do note they intend to punish world pker's that attacks non-combatants. And some of us hates theives, and will hunt them down like the dogs they are.
  • LyiatLyiat Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Like I tell the PvE players, this game is a PvX game. It will be next to impossible to not engage with the other half of the content at some point and remain effective/competitive. Even if you do everything you can to avoid it (only using materials stolen from other players) the event system practically guarantees you will, at some point, be involved in a monster siege of a node.
  • Yes.
    There will be open world pvp.
    The dungeons will be open world.

    There will be PVP in your PVE.

    The best gear and means of wealth are all PVE systems, but nothing is soul bound, and goods have to be transported via caravan and those will be fair game for PVP.

    You could theoretically become a PVP escort for traders and PVE dungeon runners.

    Or be a raider who sacks caravans and sells the loot. If a city is destroyed during a seige it becomes lootable.

    Castles have to be fought for, and the monarch can tax the local cities. The tax man has to use the caravan system.

    You can rob the tax man. 😉
  • Summer LegacySummer Legacy Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
  • TimeraiderTimeraider Member, Phoenix Initiative, Hero of the People, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    There will be open world pvp.
    The dungeons will be open world.

    There will be PVP in your PVE.

    The best gear and means of wealth are all PVE systems, but nothing is soul bound, and goods have to be transported via caravan and those will be fair game for PVP.

    You could theoretically become a PVP escort for traders and PVE dungeon runners.

    Or be a raider who sacks caravans and sells the loot. If a city is destroyed during a seige it becomes lootable.

    Castles have to be fought for, and the monarch can tax the local cities. The tax man has to use the caravan system.

    You can rob the tax man. 😉

    As much fuckups as Archeage made afterwards, it no doubt had the best PvP/PvE mix.
    I remember as a member of a friends guild that our guild got hired for defending 3 cargoships filled with packs.
    Such a badass moment just sailing along with a few warships surrounding the cargoships, chasing away enemies.

    If onl they didnt fuck up the microtransactions and now keep relaunching the game every 1.5 years as an entirely "new version!!! PREORDER NOW!!"
    A being can not judge light if he has never seen it, neither can he judge darkness if he never has been it
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Timeraider wrote: »
    There will be open world pvp.
    The dungeons will be open world.

    There will be PVP in your PVE.

    The best gear and means of wealth are all PVE systems, but nothing is soul bound, and goods have to be transported via caravan and those will be fair game for PVP.

    You could theoretically become a PVP escort for traders and PVE dungeon runners.

    Or be a raider who sacks caravans and sells the loot. If a city is destroyed during a seige it becomes lootable.

    Castles have to be fought for, and the monarch can tax the local cities. The tax man has to use the caravan system.

    You can rob the tax man. 😉

    As much fuckups as Archeage made afterwards, it no doubt had the best PvP/PvE mix.
    Archeage's PvE was shit.

    The PvP was great, the crafting was great, but the PvE was complete shit.

    Serpintis was the same single room with a different - mundane - boss in each.

    Library was also basically the same room over and over again, with different trash mobs in it and no real bosses to speak of.

    The instances in it were, along with Dhuta were ok, but only just ok.

    The dungeons were boring, and there were not enough of them.

    The open world bosses were only ever any fun if there was PvP associated - if you had the dragon or kraken up without any competition, you had 10 - 15 minutes worth of fairly boring content for a half raid.

    On the other hand, running packs cross continent was fun. The dragon and kraken with PvP were both fun. MM, Halcy, GR and CR were all fun. Even farming trees and braziers in Auroria was fun.
  • My intention is to play only PvP with a little guild of 4 or 5 players. We hate PvE and we only want play roaming or similar PvP, will we can? I reffer if is it possible or we will die when a PvEr with full tier hits us.
  • mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited September 2020
    it's hard to say and if it's possible, it probably won't be easy.

    You are probably not going to be disappearing into arenas for a month and coming out to stomp everyone in the world with your arena gear

    You will need to buy most, if not all, of your gear from other players with gold. You will have to participate in different PVP events like caravans to get that gold. How frequent those events are and how much you will get from them is up in the air. There also might be some money to earn in arena if they reward anything. I don't think the flagging system will be profitable enough to give you any consistent form of income.

    It's too soon to say how much you can earn doing this and we probably won't know until we get further in testing.

    Also, with that said, if you annoy the wrong group, with your group size, yes, you will be mobbed down by better-geared players.
  • For me the perfect system was on Warhammer Online, were a PvPer was equivalent to a PvEr in terms of gear, not of skilled, of course.
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