Class Masters and Schools of Magic

Valento92Valento92 Member
edited September 2020 in General Discussion
So, there were some old MMOs that I played that featured quests and "class masters" which effectively explained how such school of magic "came to be". I would love to see these type of quests in AOC, heck maybe some cutscenes (it could be in-game visuals) that showcased some old class master demonstrating their power. I don't know... I miss those things. Pretty please?
"Magic is not a tool, little one. It is a river that unites us in its current."

I heard a bird ♫


  • mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited September 2020
    There is one problem here.

    We haven't had access to magic this whole time, with maybe the exception of the tulnar.

    We are the vangaurd, re-establishing civilization on Verra. There was no essense or magic on Sanctus. From what we know, it doesn't sound like there would be anyone that amazing at using magic at this time, at least among us.
  • FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

    There is one problem here.

    We haven't had access to magic this whole time, with maybe the exception of the tulnar.

    ...There was no essense or magic on Sanctus.
    Do we know that; and if we do, how do we have mage classes upon entry?

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