Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Mounts and Beasts Concept ideas for Monthly Cosmetics and in the game!

In a game as fantastical as Ashes of Creation I have seen the weirdest combinations of beasts to create unique animal concepts. Now with that in mind I asked my guild mates and friends about what mounts and beasts they would like to see in this game! I was not disappointed, I would like to have this thread be continuously adding more and more ideas and concepts! But here are the images and concepts they found from other games, movies, or concepts.
A lizard mount with plenty of baggage!

A rainbow pegasus with a unicorn horn.

A Hippogriff (This has already been confirmed in monthly cosmetics)

Chameleon mount that changes colors based on the season or biome.

A Caragor from Shadow of Mordor, a simple hard hided Cat/wolf mount

A lightning lizard/ wolf. Something that makes thunder sound as it steps and has static and lightening around it as it goes faster and faster into a full gallop.
A war Mammoth, because who does not want to ride into town or into battle on the back of such a beast.
We all know that Geese are evil and that they will attack people on sight! So why not ride them into battle on your own giant battle goose!

A owl mixed with a raptor/ dragon

Owl Bear without wings!

Raptor, mixed with a bird, and dragon

Wholly Rhino (Already confirmed in game) BUT! I would like to see a Gorilla mixed with a Rhino.

Wargs/ Wolf mounts

Air Bison could be a solo or group mount!

Wild cat Panther

Lion/ Deer/ Pegasus

White Tiger/ Pegasus

Feathered Ground Dragon

Lightning Sea Dragon/ Alligator Mount, for all those island nodes.

Chubby Lizards!

Sting Rays/ Manta Rays (RIP Steve Irwin)

Boar Mounts!

Guinea Pig Mounts!

Chipmunk/ Squirrel Mounts

Scorpion Mounts

A Seahorse Mount! Give us plenty of amphibious mounts to choose from!
A rat/ cat/ spider! Thank you Star Wars

March of the Penguins!

Turtle Ducks!

Again! Please keep the thread going to give the devs more ideas! I asked my guildies to give ideas so please ask yours and add them to this list!
A lizard mount with plenty of baggage!

A rainbow pegasus with a unicorn horn.

A Hippogriff (This has already been confirmed in monthly cosmetics)

Chameleon mount that changes colors based on the season or biome.

A Caragor from Shadow of Mordor, a simple hard hided Cat/wolf mount

A lightning lizard/ wolf. Something that makes thunder sound as it steps and has static and lightening around it as it goes faster and faster into a full gallop.
A war Mammoth, because who does not want to ride into town or into battle on the back of such a beast.

We all know that Geese are evil and that they will attack people on sight! So why not ride them into battle on your own giant battle goose!

A owl mixed with a raptor/ dragon

Owl Bear without wings!

Raptor, mixed with a bird, and dragon

Wholly Rhino (Already confirmed in game) BUT! I would like to see a Gorilla mixed with a Rhino.

Wargs/ Wolf mounts

Air Bison could be a solo or group mount!

Wild cat Panther

Lion/ Deer/ Pegasus

White Tiger/ Pegasus

Feathered Ground Dragon

Lightning Sea Dragon/ Alligator Mount, for all those island nodes.

Chubby Lizards!

Sting Rays/ Manta Rays (RIP Steve Irwin)

Boar Mounts!

Guinea Pig Mounts!

Chipmunk/ Squirrel Mounts

Scorpion Mounts

A Seahorse Mount! Give us plenty of amphibious mounts to choose from!
A rat/ cat/ spider! Thank you Star Wars

March of the Penguins!

Turtle Ducks!

Again! Please keep the thread going to give the devs more ideas! I asked my guildies to give ideas so please ask yours and add them to this list!

Gray Sentinels Guild Recruitment
With so many mounts out there in other games there's so much inspiration to draw from. From cute, to creepy, to majestic, and awe-inspiring these are some great ideas of mounts that have been done but could be reimagined.
I was thinking of mixing a War Boar and a War Ram
Give it the Boars front half, the Ram back half but with a furry curly pig tail.
And the face would have Ram Horns and the tusks
Now I whish for my most beloved mount EVER from WoW.
Credit to the artists for these nice depictions.
Ooo I always forget about that mount but that is for sure something I would like to see!
We already have seen the dragons, and I'm thinking these could be more end game mounts that everyone has the ability to get, you just have to find both bosses. Or be willing to trade the babies that could breed inside husbandry pens. Breed together and you can get normal ones like "Clash of Titans" concept art that you posted above. But find the other babies and you get the potential to get the jeweled ones!
An idea for Caravans
If the Dev team wanted to make them very big and unable to actually enter a Node, then perhaps some of these huge scorpions could have caravans put on their backs and basically be a mini boss that protects the goods in your caravan (on their backs).
If they do die, you lose the ability to use that caravan scorpion for anything except as a mount.
Thank you for posting the thread Anduin, I hope the development team likes the ideas as much as I do!
Aside from my favorite, scorpion, if they do something for dragons/lightning or that Flying death spider, yeah, take more $$$ 🤣😂😭🔥
The goose, elephant, lizard, goose, wolf, scorpion, guinea pig, they're all amazing >_> I wouldn't be able to resist, even though I know its a terrible thing to do before I even play the game lol
These are just some concept ideas that I've come across, and thought were pretty cool and unique in their own ways.
I love the mixing of species in alot of these concepts
This months skin was already leaked xD
Nice try though @Nagash
Oh you know I have to spread my spookiness