Will this game have soundtracks or ambience in every node?

It'd be amazing if nodes have a special soundtrack or ambiance just like WoW, GW2, and many more. It really helps set the more mood for me rather than listening to music while farming.


  • I bet they will have some kind of ambiance in the game, not sure if it'll be Node specific, but I don't see why not. When every Node is practically a town or city, like that of established cities in other MMOs, they all have their own OST. The way I see, if it happens, it'll probably be decided by the race that it's influenced over, and maybe once it starts out it'll be a small sample, but then it'll grow more epic as the Node level rises.

    That makes the most sense to me, unless they have some other methods lol.
  • I bet they will have some kind of ambiance in the game, not sure if it'll be Node specific, but I don't see why not. When every Node is practically a town or city, like that of established cities in other MMOs, they all have their own OST. The way I see, if it happens, it'll probably be decided by the race that it's influenced over, and maybe once it starts out it'll be a small sample, but then it'll grow more epic as the Node level rises.

    That makes the most sense to me, unless they have some other methods lol.

    That'd be awesome! Soundtrack or ambience will be decided based on the races that contribute the most would be lovely but I hope there'll be more variations than 1 or 2 soundtrack.
  • A good soundtrack is VERY IMPORTANT.

    I really hope the game has amazing and memorable music.

    I know it's cliche but to this day hearing skyrim soundtrack anywhere makes the hairs on my arm go BOOM.
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