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[Idea] Brewer Profession

Hi, I've been looking around all the wikis soaking up what I can about the game! So I ran into the cooking wiki, and it mentioned a brewer profession, and if I understand correctly, they didn't quite know what to do with it in terms of what unique effects to come up with compared to cooking.

I really enjoyed the fun silly drinking mechanic in WoW, where you get a status effect of a blurred screen and stumbling around, etc. If it isn't already a mechanic, I think this would be a fun silly one to add - I wanted to run a dungeon while drunk in WoW but never played it that much.

Maybe they could add different effects from different drinks, like a drunk effect, or some fantasy inspired effects like turning you into a toad briefly. This could be really fun in taverns and in a social setting and because of the silly one time use of the drinks it could be a way for a tavern owner to generate some more income or attract more business.

I'm sorry if this idea is a repeat, I tried googling anything on drinking or being drunk and didn't receive any results. If this is a popular suggestion, maybe suggest what drink effects you'd like to see below? I'm really hoping to see a lot of social activities in the game.



  • Options
    I agree.

    The only argument against fictional drinking in a fictional world that is a video game is that it would impact the ESRB rating. So the marketing types might not be to keen on it.

    But not everyone has to be like Blizzard and censor the NA and European versions of a game because of pressure from China.
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