Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
[Suggestion] Addition to the Corruption system.

I would suggest adding something to the corruption system.
Where if you kill a green player ( Non combat) who already suffers from exp debt, you gain more corruption depending on how deep the exp dept is.
This is to counter kicking people who are already down.
So you kill a green player with lets say the exp dept of dying 5 times. Then you get 5 times the corruption you would normally get.
They cant fight back thanks to stat loose so the evil you do is increased as well.
It is the same principle as attacking lower level players.
Now if the green player with the exp dept of 5 times dying works off the dept to the point of 4 times dying then killing them only gives 4 times the corruption.
After all their stats were increased again and you have to counter the play were people would purposely get a massive exp dept yet stay just barley in it to troll the next guy who kill them with a massive corruption.
Any thoughts on this?
Where if you kill a green player ( Non combat) who already suffers from exp debt, you gain more corruption depending on how deep the exp dept is.
This is to counter kicking people who are already down.
So you kill a green player with lets say the exp dept of dying 5 times. Then you get 5 times the corruption you would normally get.
They cant fight back thanks to stat loose so the evil you do is increased as well.
It is the same principle as attacking lower level players.
Now if the green player with the exp dept of 5 times dying works off the dept to the point of 4 times dying then killing them only gives 4 times the corruption.
After all their stats were increased again and you have to counter the play were people would purposely get a massive exp dept yet stay just barley in it to troll the next guy who kill them with a massive corruption.
Any thoughts on this?

2: you already gain more or less corruption based on difference in level
3: I can't remember 100% but I think exp. debt is only if you die to PvE (or at least that's what it felt like in the PI test)
either way it will all get ironed out in testing, I could take it or leave it
I do however think that a measure against repeat kills is highly necessary. Due to the lack of fast travel, somebody could theoretically hold you indefintely in the protected respawn point. Killing somebody repeaditely as the agressor should incur higher corruption penalty.
If the killed person returns and attacks the killer, then this shouldn't apply though.
I thought death Pen applied in PVP as well? After all In combat Players (Purple) get 50% reduction to death Pen.
Didn't think of Gathering alts.
+1 on the repeat part.
Yah that does sound better. The system should log who you killed before and give you a corruption multiplier.
Also not just the killer (Last hit) But everyone who helped the killer. The healer and the supports as well.
As to the suggestion, no. There’s no way to know if a player has exp debt when you see them gathering a resource you want. Level can be partially gauged via gear, and once it’s clear that just gear appearance isn’t gonna cut it in alpha, hopefully we’ll get actual level indicators.
But exp debt isn’t ever gonna be advertised, so a player wouldn’t ever be able to make an informed decision based on it.
As the game stands now, the only way to know what type of armor and weapon a potential PvP target will have equipped is to look at the buffs they have (similar to buffs from armor in Archeage). Simply making it so that experience debt shows up as an effect like this when targeting another player should solve that issue.
Assuming that, I actually kind of like the general idea of the suggestion, though the degree of additional penalty is far too high.
If you combine that with the increased corruption from killing a lower level player, it would be very easy to have a character that would generate far more corruption than would ever be worth the kill for - and so such a character would essentially be immune to corruption based PvP.
I can’t remember, and I’m not in front of my pc. Does Rez Sickness in wow display as a debuff? If so, that could at least be a relevant analog.