Life beyond level cap (level 50)

Hi guys,
What do you think about mechanics that will give players who love to farm&grind the reason to play even after level cap
(level 50)

* Maybe after reaching level 50 you will unlock the option to level up your active skills (with every level the stats of the skill will increase or maybe some attribute option will unlock ).
even if the game will get some DLC that changes the level cap to 60 simply disable that mechanic until the player will reach the level cap again.

* Maybe adding 3 more levels after level 50 but to get them we will need much much more exp then we needed before but the reward will be some nice&uniq passive or active skills.

* Or even make it similar to Black Desert so players who love to farm&grind will be able to do it endlessly and with every level the basic stats of their character will increase.

* Or maybe with every additional level after level cap the player will get a uniq quest line with nice reward (mount/cosmetic etc etc)

If you have other ideas please share.


  • Sorry to say this, but I don’t really like any of this. They have already said that 50 is a hard stop, but at 50 you can still level up religion and crafting, so you still have stuff to do. If that’s what you are worried about.

    It would also be unfair if people that play all day every day could get better stats just from that, then the other players would never be able to catch up. Also, then an expansion would come out, some people could be way better then others just in basic stats, so even at next level cap with basic gear, those people would be better than everyone else (once again, people would never catch up).

    I think you always have something you can do even after getting to 50. But yes, basic quests would probably be a waste of time if you don’t just want to do it for RP or to explore every quest and see what you get from them. But you will have raids, dungeons, crafting, PvP, achievement to get, mount and armor cosmetics to collect, and lots more you can do after getting to 50.

    Sorry again to be so negative, but I just don’t think your ideas would work in a game like this.
  • apmaxapmax Member
    edited September 2020
    Level cap already tends to be the point where the number of things you can do in a game peaks.
    The design intent for ashes specifically seems to be that there will be plenty of things to do and systems to interact with once you hit 50. Character class or stat progression beyond that point would be best saved for future expansions.
  • VarkunVarkun Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    It has been said a number of times by the devs that there will be many different means of horizontal progression once you reach level 50. There will be numerous societies to join and level through, siege craft, sailing and related skills, fishing, crafting plus other systems they have yet to reveal.

    We do know IS are keeping many of the details of their systems under wraps as much from competitors as we the eventual community. The do seem very confident that there will be plenty for us to do once we hit level 50.
    Close your eyes spread your arms and always trust your cape.
  • My hope is that grinding at level 50 will still yield useful materials or something that gives the players a reason to continue grinding if they so choose. You don't need exp to make grinding worthwhile. Valuable materials, gear, or other items can be more than enough incentive to keep people grinding.

    Also, I've only just learned about the game so I don't know a whole lot about it, but by the sounds of it just grinding to advance a node might be enough incentive to keep people grinding. Either way, I'm sure people will have plenty of things to do at level cap even if they don't enjoy all of the end-game content.
  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Level cap should stick at 50 and level the playing field. This allows them to properly balance the game for larger battles/PVE. I'm not a fan of stats gains from just grinding after lvl cap. This definitely makes it unfair and will lead to the game dying in time.
  • DolyemDolyem Member
    edited September 2020
    Steven has said that there will be no soft cap at 50, in other words your characters level will not gain things like paragon levels past that level. They are putting in plenty of other content for us to progress in besides just leveling our character.
  • stolyaR wrote: »
    Hi guys,
    What do you think about mechanics that will give players who love to farm&grind the reason to play even after level cap
    (level 50)

    * Maybe after reaching level 50 you will unlock the option to level up your active skills (with every level the stats of the skill will increase or maybe some attribute option will unlock ).
    even if the game will get some DLC that changes the level cap to 60 simply disable that mechanic until the player will reach the level cap again.

    * Maybe adding 3 more levels after level 50 but to get them we will need much much more exp then we needed before but the reward will be some nice&uniq passive or active skills.

    * Or even make it similar to Black Desert so players who love to farm&grind will be able to do it endlessly and with every level the basic stats of their character will increase.

    * Or maybe with every additional level after level cap the player will get a uniq quest line with nice reward (mount/cosmetic etc etc)

    If you have other ideas please share.

    You make it sound as if once you hit cap level you are done. This is why I support the concept that once you cap, the game really begins.

    You speak as if you need some sort of game reward for doing anything, even if its EXP but that should not be the case. Even if you are capped, you CAN still endlessly farm / grind, you just won't get a direct game system reward for it. You can however turn in those farmed goods to get gold to continue your life past cap level.

    I can only believe there will also be some sort of lateral progression system so we still should have PLENTY to do.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member
    edited September 2020
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    This is why I support the concept that once you cap, the game really begins.

    This. Any MMO worth its salt has that same understanding, otherwise the game will be dead in a matter of months - if not weeks.

  • HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I agree with the OP, one game I always revert back to is Dark Age of Camelot, the Realm Rank system was a leveling process beyond your level cap. And would take years to fully progress, this is what kept me playing. They possibly could institute something along those lines for pure crafters as well or Pver's to give them a Realm Rank Line. Something along the line of the more your progress your crafting skill the more chance for a masterpiece item, or a special enchant.
  • ZairosZairos Member
    edited September 2020
    they should just give Cap'd level Quests for those that reach 50 and get bored. Besides the numerous amounts of things to do there really is not any good reason to up the level cap. I really agree with just secret quests in a separate map, possibly a gathering of key objects to open a door way in the underground node a Hell dungeon quest to the planets core. only for those at lvl 50.make it difficult you cant leave till your done make it really difficult like 6 months difficult, and just design several like that. make rules for limited supplies or cut the stats on equipment in those quests.
    Life is nothing but holograms, half lives of decaying particles mortal is the universe but its also been dead all along
  • ferretstalkerferretstalker Member
    edited September 2020
    There is going to be much more to strive for than simply gaining levels. Gathering resources, hunting bosses, clearing high-end raids, the religion system and NPC guilds. There's also the social dynamics, increasing your ability to PvP, the inevitable alliance politics, waging wars and securing territory. There is much more to this game than simply chasing the DING, and it's important to realize that.

    Constant vertical progression would be a nightmare to balance for what is going to be a very PvP-focused endgame.
    if you come in here i will be forced to recog
  • TheSgtPepperTheSgtPepper Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    The politics involved with the control of nodes as well as controlling resources and trade routes will keep me happy for a long time. Lots of World PvP and end game bosses to kill to craft the best gear. There is honestly so so much to look forward to it would take pages to do it justice. I try not to get on the hype train but this is looking more and more promising every month. Looking forward to no-life'ing it in Alpha 2.
  • Valento92Valento92 Member
    edited September 2020
    I think achievements are a good start to promote longer replayability. The thing that was really bad about GW2 for example is that they put way too many things behind achievements until it got predictable, boring stuff.

    Plus, PvP is a really good system to polish to provide replayability. For instance (sorry for being repetitive) in GW2 you can level your WvW level to beyond 1k and it just feels good because it's not that mandatory and yet it provides buffs for various areas such as using siege and being able to carry more supplies. I'm a PvE dude but ultimately I believe PvP to be the true, unpredictable, fun, extensible endgame. It just goes on forever. The thing that makes it inclusive is offering a mode that allows for a bigger margin of error because you know not everyone's a pro but people would really like to get into PvPing in more approachable steps. More people to PvP = huge PvP scenario = big moments to remember forever.
    "Magic is not a tool, little one. It is a river that unites us in its current."

    I heard a bird ♫
  • In UO and FF online, once you hit your level cap, there were tons of quests you could get to level up your faction, get additional mats for completing quests, they even had bounty quests which were fun.

    I would assume that AoC would have this for end game.
  • There are plenty of things to do after you hit 50. Citizenship, social orgs, religions, proffesions, gearing , raids, all the PvP activities, progressing ur node and defending it, decorating your freehold/apartment/house etc.
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