How to play?

What do i need to buy in order to play the game? is it online now? can i play it?


  • 250$ pack and wait 1-2 years
  • you don't need to buy anything right now to play.
    You won't be able to play right now regardless of what you purchase anyway.
    if you wait a few years until release you can play for just 15usd/month
  • In short, you can't play a full-released game right now, but you can (with the purchase of a pre-order pack) get into some Alpha's and Beta's later on.

    Here is a link on this topic:

    Link to Store if you want to purchase a pre-order pack:

    Alpha One Tentative Plan

    Limited Alpha One testing will begin in May of 2020 starting with our highest level Alpha One backers from Kickstarter. This testing will include our Phoenix Initiative backers and above at first. As the game client becomes more stable during this limited testing, we will begin to introduce our Braver-of-World and above backers, and eventually our Intrepid pre-order pack holders. Our goal is to have the Alpha One game client ready for full testing in Fall of 2020.

    Hope this helps,
  • is this game free to play?? How come I don't see any download game client here?
  • Ohiit wrote: »
    is this game free to play?? How come I don't see any download game client here?

    The game is not free to play, currently, you have to purchase one of the packs to play either Alpha 2 (upcoming) o the beta (also upcoming)

    When the game launches the game is Sub-to-play, meaning that you have to subscribe to be able to log in and enjoy it. No box cost (60 USD or EUR) at launch, just download --> subscribe and off you go :)
  • CaptnChuckCaptnChuck Member
    edited September 2020

    The game isn't out yet. And won't be for another 2 years.

    However, if you have the money, you can get early access to the game.

    Right now, the game is approaching alpha 1, which will begin some time towards the end of this year. Alpha 1 packages are no longer available, but if you're lucky, Steven might reopen it again.

    Alpha 2 will take place next year and Beta will prob take place in 2022. So if you want to participate in those phases, you can buy the corresponding packages from the intrepid website.
  • KreedKreed Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited September 2020
    Jinno wrote: »
    What do i need to buy in order to play the game? is it online now? can i play it?
    Ohiit wrote: »
    is this game free to play?? How come I don't see any download game client here?

    Really? You joined up on a forum and did nothing after ? A little research goes a long ways.
  • sarkadosarkado Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Kreed wrote: »
    Jinno wrote: »
    What do i need to buy in order to play the game? is it online now? can i play it?
    Ohiit wrote: »
    is this game free to play?? How come I don't see any download game client here?

    Really? You joined up on a forum and did nothing after ? A little research goes a long ways.

    I think you forget we are in the age of spoon feed me everything in life.
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