Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Can we have a Runescape Wildnerness zone? Or an Albion Online Black zone?
I want to explore a high risk/high reward zone where I can kill players for all of their items upon death. Maybe add high level resources in that area to give players reason to adventure there. Obviously this place would be optional for players who want some high risk pvp action. Thoughts?
There is a significant part of the player population who just want to harvest, process, and craft.
To these players, having ressources obtainable behind a PvE wall is totally normal.
But to put these ressources behing a PvPK wall will drive A LOT of them away from Ashes of Creation.
Edit: removed off-topic theorycrafting
But i see there being 2 compatability issues for ashes for those particular implementations
1.relative distance
So both games you mentioned have a relative common themepark layout of their gameworld, where level 10-20 or t1 to t2 gear can be found in zone A and for the next levels you have to migrate to the next zone or you at least now what kind of content you can find in which corner of the world.
In contrast to ashes were nodes and the content that is tied to them will emerge all over the world with no actual linear layout the player can follow.
So what this means if there is a „wilderness zone“ some nodes will be highly affected by that since many PvP players will gravitate towards that point of interest and collide with the farming spots directly or indirectly of the respective node.
On the other hand you have players which will have to travel hours to reach that wilderness zone.
This will skew with the map layout a lot imo.
2. The rule set
In my opinion droping your entire inventory is too hardcore and is kinda bad for mmo that has a lot of vertical progression. Unlike albion which plays more like a ressource cycling game with horizontal progression.
Nevertheless i want to see such points of interest with pvp in the open world.
The adjustment i would do are:
-First of all no loot drop or maybe only at some
-Spread the zones out all over the map, but with smaller zones
- Tie those zones to the military nodes ,so that those zones will emerge with the development of the world and even change their layout according to the nodes level (like size, participant count, objectives etc)
- Make most of those zones host temporary events. Since i mentioned there will be several small zones all over the map, it could have problems attracting enough players for the loops to work properly. So opening up some loot event for an hour or so for a few times a day (or some other trigger) could work.
- Implement several different kinds of zones with entirely different objectives apart from ganking
- Guild war zones where guild build temporary outposts and compete with any other guild that build one
- A last man standing zone, where the last group left or that deffended some area/castle gets and reward. This would be a more organic approach to implementing the battle royal mode
- Maybe and hold the point event
- death match
- a normal pvp ganking zone, which turns at at late evening into a „night shift“ werewolf event of some sorts lul
- Basically anything
-Implement a risk vs reward component,such as paying a fee to participate or having to bring caravans in order to build the guild war outpost or having to sneak in there in some way
To conclude i really hope intrepid will implement some kind of open world points of interest other than caravans and contested mobs/ressources. Would awesome imo
In theory, you'd be able to take these rare resources and process/craft them in a safe place to create great items. Since you can only be a master of 1 of the 3, the items you create would be of greater value than the base resource.
OP has a great suggestion. It would add a lot of spice to the gathering professions. They are historically dull and lacking in innovation.
RIght now, we know that caravans are one such aspect. Since virtually all raw materials will need to be transported via caravan between gathering and processing, this is providing more than enough risk and innovation to that aspect of the game. I mean, what more risk can there be than the risk of losing 100 times the amount of raw materials you are able to carry on you at once?
While this is one such situation where corruption will be turned off, it has been suggested that there will be more.
Full loot is not going to happen in Ashes.
Exactly. You can't lock content behind this kind of zone, but if you want it for the thrill of it... go for it.
Bad? Are you drunk? this feature is essential in mmorpgs xD .
Sure, for that reason it's essential to get a zone with a lot of resources, becouse they like to harvest process and craft ... as you said, but they also like to fight, that is the focal point of the whole game xD .. not beeing into your home, sitting until the crops grow.
I don't get what you ment with .. driving them away from ashes, a pvp feature will make the people quit the game? That's nonsense.
As there is pve hardcore content , a pvp hardcore is also needed. It's not optional, it's called late game design.
So Xzwolf you don't have to worry about that
The mistake with adding in a full loot area to this game would be putting unique resources or pve content that would cause a lot of dissatisfaction for those just trying to be the best as a gatherer or adventurer.
It prevents abuse of PvP systems and allows more player freedom and more risk by being able to make PvP more open and mandatory without risking the abuse of the system, as there would be appropriate consequences for any additional freedom to kill given, such as loss of being able to interact with faction or loss of more items from death.