Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
In all the games I played you had 1 necklace 2 rings and 2 earrings...
don't characters have more than 2 fingers ?! why can't we unlock more ring slots along the way... and become the
Mandarin ?!?!
don't characters have more than 2 fingers ?! why can't we unlock more ring slots along the way... and become the
Mandarin ?!?!
2. You could say the same about wearing armor... you would wear cloth, then leather and over that plate in medieval times.
3. You are too weak traveler, you are not strong enough for MY rings. My rings would kill you. (Who ever gets the reference, hats off to you good sir or madam! ;D)
Somebody please check his temperature I think he is hallucinating
The Mandarin:
I would be wary of any person who wears a ring on every finger.
just kidding. scrap it. Trading 1 gloves slot for 5 ring slots is still op.
It would be cool if a jewel cutter can create 6 legendary rings, which can then be turned into ONE legendary ring.
The Ring of Giant Strength - Strength Ring
The Ring of Eldritch Knowledge - Mentality Ring
The Ring of Divine Speed - Dexterity Ring
The Ring of Neverending Life - Constitution Ring
The Ring of Solar Wrath - Will Ring
The Ring of Lunar Erudition - Wisdom Ring
Infinity - Combines all of their stats and effects into one ring
Someone's been watching the The A team
Very little
I heard a bird ♫
Currently is planned to add 5 jewelry slots
1 necklace
2 earrings
2 rings
I would like to see it being extended for more customization
with additionally to the planned 5
2 bracelets
+6 rings (one for each finger)
It could be enlarged even more with
2 anklets
and also planned already
1 belt
So instead of the minimum 5 we know from many other games it could be enlarged to
16 jewelry slots expanding the player customization freedom
Currently it's embedded into the “Character Detail Window” but a button could be added to see the Jewelry slots instead of the Gear slots.
The game brings so many new mechanics and enhances Player freedom, why restricting it on Jewelry?
(my reference to rings on fingers is Lord Ainz from Overlord)
Edit: tecnicly Glasses could as well be added but enlarge the possebilitys is one thing going overboard is an other. i mentioned 16 possible slots but only riseing it to 10 (doubble) seems better to me personaly.
i played games that started with the 5 from wiki and added in more slots over time and ended with 9 jewelry itemslots
Since sensible game design requires it, out of character, we might as well use the sensible explanation "in character".
interferring with each other i dont that will be a problem. jewelry is intended to boost like resistance, enhance dmg or give regeneration effects.
but on the interfering aspect came the thought that maybe some jewelry effects may give a big boost but have a backslash to its effect. like increasing fireresitance but decreases water resistance.
it realy depends if jewelrys onla have 1 small effect of if the game will have like jewelry that brings massive boosts and several effects with it. so that without it you lose a lot of power or protection. but that would only lead to that everyone will have it. diversity gets lost. did play games where in the endgame with 5 jewelry items you ether equiped the caster or the melee jewelry of the latest expansion and without you would simply miss a lot off dmg and have a harder time in the new content.
with more slots it could prevent that from happening also here you have so many diffrent classes and archetypes that general jewelry dont make sense it needs to be costumizeble to the typoe you play otherwise it will be hell to balance jewelry that it doesnt make one clkass op to an other of the same base class.
We should all craft more things that we can never see and get more stats. Otherwise we'd have less stats. All of us.
most games have Helm - Shoulders - Chest - Gloves - Belt - Pants - Feet at a max often thats seven core pieces of armour, if you had 2 earings, necklace, bracelet and 10 rings thats already 14 pieces double the number of your core set.
10 rings would need to be nerfed into the dirt where each ring by itself is never "Wow, that ring is awesome" to be reasonable to balance, whereas with 2 you can find rings with that wow factor as it's essentially doing the work of 5.
Essentially I like the idea but the game needs to sacrifice it for better gameplay imo.
The Wolves of Verra
are recruiting:
well yes and no. i didnt play every mmo-rpg that came out since 2000 i only played a few but those that i did i spend a lot of hours.
one game that comes the closest to AoC was Aion, where every character could have:
helm, shoulders, torso, hands, pants and shoes combind those were 9 items and + jewelry
necklace, earrings, bracelets, rings, belt, wings and fether these also made 10 items
and in addition to that you could equip 2 armor and jewelry sets to fastswitch during combat by only klicking a button. useing makros to switch gear stored in your inventory.
and upon all of that armor and weapons came with Runestone/manastone socklets up to 6 per item and each item could be enchantet to max +20 which did increase the overall deff or dmg and the manastones gave specific boosts depending on the stones.
on weapons you also could attach god stones that had a proc chance of 1-20% the lower the chance the higher the dmg. it did make some mages becoming 1 hit wonders killing a tank in full armor with 1 hit only.
but the game was a RNG hell and became pay2win soon after its debut as free2play version.
well in aion it did go way overbord with the enchantments and jewelry (especaly the fether that incresed the HP a lot and didnt had a limit to its enchantment however if you failed the item is lost (money sink) but with high fethers was easy to get additionly +20% Max HP.)
so haveing 10 rings seems even to me a bit much thats wy i mentioned 8 rings so the thumbs doesnt have rings but i would even go as low as 4 rings cause 8 rings thats or 4 at each hand is like waring brass knuckles.
so 1 necklace, 2 earrings, 2 braceletts, 4 rings, 1 belt, and maybe 2 anklets so that the total jewelry count is 10-12 items.
to balance it could be that wearing jewelry with the same effects on them lowers the amount of the 2nd and all more by 50%
or some efects useing a multyplyer in case of sets, some sets may disable other sets or it gives a limitation to 2 jewelry sets if more are worn then the seteffects doesnt activate. or special jewelry that like rings that disables all other ring effects or doesnt allow other rings to be equiped.
the possebilitys are almost endless what conditions are in place on Jewelry or also on gear. Maybe there will be a armor set that doesnt use all slots but provents the equipment on the missing slots or adding a malus if done so.
well even do i like the thougth male chars wear underpants and females bras and underpants even if you want you never can take them off.
a increase in items gives more costume otion to chars however each additional item also creats traffic and especaly for the 500v500 planed sieges that could become a problem. currently the wiki has 5 jewelry double that amount to 10 jewelry should be more than enouth, bringing 100% more costum option to the Jewelry sector but only add a low amount of additional trafic.
equip socks or other underwear stuff even do i like the idea but see it a bit sarcastic. but you specific mentioned "craft" and thers absolutly nothing against that in order to craft shoes you need to craft first socks and shoelashes.
never see i dont know if jewelry doesnt have a visual if you take of your gear. but we play 3rd person so the time we see our chars faces or front is very limited and also other player rarely zoom in to see the details of our faces that we spend 10 hours to create the perfect face.
That just sounds like diablo immortal-esque bullshit not a model we should look at emulating in any way shape or form. It's something that would seriously make most people look at AoC sideways if they started to implement anything like this especially since it's only prevalent in P2W trash. the whole point of all those slots are to make gearing needlessly tedious so you spend money. Why would anyone want to use that model for inspiration.
The idea of accessory sets are fine with me but again if you were to expand upon the number of rings i would still think they would need to be diminished equally to maintain a reasonable degree of balance, ie if you double your number of rings each ring should half in overall power. Instead of increasing the number of rings you can equip you could do this easier by increasing the number of effects rings can have based on their tier. At the end of the day I'd rather have 2 rings that do something awesome than need to assemble 10 to produce the same level of effect and if you don't nerf the rings, jewelry would become the most important things to equip and personally I think core gear should always be more important than your accessories.
The Wolves of Verra
are recruiting:
well i only mentioned from an other game and i agree that such a massive system isnt a thing for ashes since that game i mentoned was pay2win in the end and a rng hell.
i simply used it as a example what was done in other games that had higher costume systems in.
i did mention enchantments and manastones and i hope both of those systems will never make it to AoC
but a increase from now 5 to maybe 10 Jewelry items isnt that much of a diffrence while the costumization on Jewelry is expanded by +100% the effects of Jewelry that may have allredy been made would only decrase by maybe 50%. so on win side +100% on the loose side -50%
with 64 end classes haveing 2 that brings your char the best boost will be hard maybe and other augment would be better siuted but with more rings you could compensate it way easyer rather than makeing 64 diffrent variations of the same ring.
but as mentioned 10 rings is to much in my opinion 4 rings is enouth and only 10 jewelrys so it doesnt need to be hard nerved and if conditions are on them they coudl be even more powerfull if no other ring is equipped.
to me gear should bring primarly physical and magical dmg reductions while jewelry brings elemental resistance boosting dmg or brings other effects like cc resisance, mana regeneration, kb resisnace or passive skills that only triggers on given situations and cant be controlled by the wearer but comeing with a high cd. like if mana falls below 10% the ring gives you 500 mana or resets the mana potion cd to 0. or blocking the next crit hit or increses the dmg of the next crit hit after hp has fallen under x%.
well steven mentioned no active useble skills will be on gear but maybe such effects that i used to call skill however where the player dont have the controll over them when they deploy.
I think 10 rings would be too OP and would need to be nerfed into the ground to balance it all out. I rather have 10 rings and pick which ones to wear for the right occasion.
It's a sensible convention and I see no reason to do otherwise here.
i agree 10 rings + 2 earrings + 1 necklace would be way to many jewelrys.
from the gear the character in ashes can equip 3 weapons, 8 Armor (gear), 5 Jewelrys
1 mele or magic weapon, 1 offhand or shhield, 1 bow
Armor is counted for both sides, while theres only one head only one helmet is needed however shoulder is 1 gearitem that counts for both shoulders, just like gear for arms, hands, legs.
"off the Topic" tecnicly these parts could be doubled in itemslots. however crafting primarly cfats allways 2 of these armor pieces. but the player has the choise to equip both or not. would be seet addition to enlarge the char costume and stat giveing ingame. but also means more items to be calced and gear might be mixed up so that the look becomes ridiculus. which is something Steven wants to prevent (system how color can be applyed to gear).
if so enlarged that would increse the gear count from now 8 to new 12 Gearitems "end off Topic"
i would like to see it increseing to
from the 5 to like 7 maybe 9 jewelry items in total
so 1 necklace, 2 earrings, 2-4 rings, 2 braceletts
it may weeken the overall might of chertain Jewelrys but not to the point of micromanging stats
10 rings is nice but way to much for AoC also the one ring on Lord Ainz pointy finger "Wish upon a star" might be way to OP for the game
a increase in Rings could also be used to equip engadgement rings if a char is marryed ingame to enable recive the boost buff or whatever an engadgment ingame will bring including famaly summoning.
so once again to be clear no 10 rings for Ashes
increasing the Jewelry count by +2-4 additional jewelry items total
2 = Combat
2 = Gathering
2 = Crafting
2 = Fishing or whatever.
It could work. But still pointless clutter.
Archeage had an underwear slot - just sayin.
With 15 items I am able to go in three vastly different directions, or combine them to be more rounded.
If we take your 16 slot concept, in order to have that same flexibility, I now need to carry 48 items with me.
I mean, it's not like they are going to just increase the power gain players can expect via jewelery. Rather, they will split that power gain in to 16 rather than in to 5.
I dont see many people wanting to carry around 48 rings just to be able to go in three different directions.
As such, I actually disagree with your premise that it would open up more character customization. In terms of stats, I see players having fewer practical options with 16 jewelery slots than with 5, purely due to inventory management.
All I see is potential for cosmetic customization - bot obviously only if all jewelery is shown. At this point, we may as well just make cosmetic options for additional jewelery, and leave characters at 5 actual slots.
IMO, have at that all you want.
TERA Online also has underwear.