Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Bartle taxonomy of player types

Although we all explore all aspects, we tend to have preferences.
What are your preferences in interaction styles? Where do you stand?

I'm a killer achiever who make friends with similar people. I socialize dbz style.
Haven't been the most explorative player for years. I love pvp but I want to feel explorative again.
Really looking for open world pvp in Ashes.
What are your preferences in interaction styles? Where do you stand?

I'm a killer achiever who make friends with similar people. I socialize dbz style.
Haven't been the most explorative player for years. I love pvp but I want to feel explorative again.
Really looking for open world pvp in Ashes.
btw I also tried to bring Bartle's up in the open world pvp thread for arguing "there're different types of players, and there needs to be a balance of player types", but seems it didn't get much of a response
Well although that "balance" differs from game to game, in the end it depends on what the Devs are aiming for.
If you play a lot of one game - saw WoW - and then answer the questionaire that goes with this, you will end up with a completely different result to if you answered the same questions after playing a lot of a game like Fortnite - at least you will end up with a different result if you answer the questions honestly rather than answering them in a way that you think will give you the result you want.
Basically, this kind of thing (this thing specifically - in fact) is psuedo-science at best. It has about the same value as a horoscope.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
I like a slice from every piece if I can control the amount. What I've disliked about every game so far is if the game literally forces me to do something I do not want to do without an alternative
― Plato
I'd say it's more like a crude version of Myers-Briggs Type Indicators. Is the classification system perfect? No. Does it capture every single player? Far from it. But is it absolutely useless? No. At least for me when I contrasted my results with my MMO experience, there were insights to be gained. It helped me realize why I kept hopping from one mmo to another every 2 years or so.
And I definitely won't go as far as putting the pseudoscience brand on it and equating it to superstition. In these days with all kinds of anti-vaxx & flat earth bullshit flying around, when fact-checking is more important than ever, I see "pseudoscience" as a serious accusation that I wouldn't use lightly (it's like dismissing everything you don't want to believe as "fake news") - not until I've at least checked out the research methodologies behind it.
Anyway, looks like here's the paper if anyone's interested in picking it apart
And here's someone else's attempt at trying to expand on Bartle's taxonomy and complementing it with a few of other researcher's suggested models.
Having read both of those before (I have hard time calling anything on gamasutra a "paper", but that is just me - I also have a habit of reading gaming focused research papers as a slightly odd hobby), I know of the exact two quotes to point out.
The first is as follows, from Bartle
And from the Gamasutra article above I agree that these kinds of things are useful to make short hand conversations between developers easier - much as retail workers talk about Karen's and such.
However, outside of that discussion, there is literally no possible way to illustrate all player types on a 2 dimensional plane, and I doubt anyone that is published in this field would disagree with that.
I didn't call the gamasutra article a paper either, just thought it's an interesting read.
(off-topic) THAT. I just started burning through videos on the extra-credits youtube channel recently, and got interested in game design and game-focused research. It's probably a good time for me to start reading. Any recommendations?
It doesn't go too in depth in to any one thing, and so is easy to digest in that regard. It does brush over a fair few topics though, so you will no doubt find things from that book that you are interested in learning more about. Basically, the book is a good platform to launch off in to other directions from.
The only thing I would suggest if you want to get in to reading this kind of thing for a hobby would be - only read things you are actually interested in knowing. As soon as you feel you need to read a paper for any reason, you will no longer enjoy it - this is a mistake I made a few years ago.
Edit; one other thing I would suggest - the more you read in this regard, the more your understanding grows, the harder it is for you to communicate with people that don't read similar things to you. I make a real point of avoiding referencing papers at all in online discussions (such as these forums), and also often have to edit posts in order to change some specific terms in to ones that are more easily understood by most posters here.
We had a poster here a little while ago for a few weeks who had obviously read a few papers, but had not fully understood the terminology used. Virtually no one understood what he was trying to say, and those that did understand what he was trying to say couldn't get past how poorly he had worded his posts.
Basically, as a second point - don't be that guy.
― Plato
Thanks for the info, found myself a digital copy to start with
Thx, would definitely keep that in mind.
As a visual representation that would make more sense, but there are more than four aspects to players goals and ambitions in a game - so in order to make any real sense, that would need to be drastically expanded.
Balanced .... as all things should be.
That's the most simplistic Myers and Briggs I've seen in years lol. I guess I'd be a social PvP. I like the tactical approach to PvP where combining your strengths with others allows you to overcome inherent weaknesses of your class
Could you re-phrase this?
We have internet for information about quests and resources.
Unless you want uneven, spread and random generation of resources so you can sell your mechanical scouting abilities I don't see how that would be possible. Mind explaining?
What could you sell better than a wikipedia saying "this x resource can spawn here, here and here"?
Do you have skills to check places?
Some games are more inclined to others types. eg Minecraft not for killers.
I like having this in consideration, not dictating the final game.
Content is expensive to make for what I've read. What are your favorite games for exploring?
Typing is broad and have a lot of contexts.
I enjoy exactly the same, that rpg element of inherent weaknesses is very attractive.
Bro tip: If you ever want to impress a girl you like with how cultured you are, don't make mbti your roof complex.
Why is acting the opposite of interacting? <--- is this like single player vs multiplayer?
My friend, this thread is nothing more than a Rorschach test.
When I look at the chart I see the margins as well, therefore I am a interfacer of players.
I was always an ESAK, with a heavy influence on the ES.
These days I reckon I verge more towards ESKA.
I was wrong. I did the test I linked.
I do like PvP more than I used to, but I much prefer mass PvP. I think the test emphasises a solo PvP nature.