Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Will later comers to the game really have a chance?

I am new to the game. I am very interested and excited at the desires of the developers and direction that is described.
My first concern was talking about housing and if you are not one of the first owners of the smallest house you will not easily be able to own a mansion and mansions will be limited. There was a comment made that these building could be sold but at what cost? When you create very limited availability the prices for these houses are going to be very high based on supply and demand. This would seem to make it very difficult people coming late into the game to have a chance at this housing. I also see this encouraging people to buy money.
With 5 metropolis's allowed per world this will encourage super guilds which you saw in BDO where just a few big guilds controlled nearly all the end game features of the game as it came with castles.
Is there early access for the MMO side of the game? I am not interested in the BR side of the game. Is buying the 350 dollar package the only way into the game right now?
My first concern was talking about housing and if you are not one of the first owners of the smallest house you will not easily be able to own a mansion and mansions will be limited. There was a comment made that these building could be sold but at what cost? When you create very limited availability the prices for these houses are going to be very high based on supply and demand. This would seem to make it very difficult people coming late into the game to have a chance at this housing. I also see this encouraging people to buy money.
With 5 metropolis's allowed per world this will encourage super guilds which you saw in BDO where just a few big guilds controlled nearly all the end game features of the game as it came with castles.
Is there early access for the MMO side of the game? I am not interested in the BR side of the game. Is buying the 350 dollar package the only way into the game right now?
You really don't want to "test" the game before going live. Unless you are prepared to wait for hours or days to log in (right now, they are months between testing). Be forced to test things your not interested in. Deal with the plithora of bugs. Only playing in a certain areas. Feel like your feedback is being ignored. Constant server wipes. I could go on. Testing is not fun, for the average Joe/Jane. My 2cp.
As to housing. Chances are (speculation) there will be enough plots for freeholds, for those who can afford them, and no one will be able to afford a freehold at launch (resources, materials, cost, node stage, etc). Players and guilds need to collect the resources (eg. Wood) which might not be in that node, or a neighbors (more time). Let's not forget about atrophy. If you "need" a house, get an apartment.
MMORPGs are all about time invested. Nothing happens overnight. The longer things take, the less time the Developers have commit to creating more content. Let the players decide, and even less time for the devs to commit.
Since you are new. I would recommend visiting Ashes101 and the Wiki for some really deep reading, as AoC is very complex. Good stuffs, at those sites, and bunches of videos for those with ADD or lacking reading skills 😁
2. There were Headstart server access packs, but they dont sell those anymore.
3. You cant "get" into the game as of now, because it is still in Alpha 1. The current 350$ pack gives you Alpha 2 access.
4. There are different types of housing:
Static housing + Appartments are one per server per account and Freeholds are one per account. PLayers will only be able to buy a cottage at node lvl 3.
I second on reading the wiki and ashes101 plethora of info there and watch all of Steven's interviews....some nuggets in there as well. Of course, welcome to the family!
Just wanting to help elaborate on all of the packages. Buying a Pre-Order Pack isn't necessary to play the game when it is eventually released. When the game is eventually released unto the world, there will be no box cost, only a subscription fee. You asked about early access, none of these grant early access when the game goes live.
All of the cosmetics listed are only available during the time they are offered. There are no plans to ever have them available again for purchase. Check out the website for more info on the cosmetics. All of the cosmetics are only skins, and provide no real advantage in the game (other than making everyone around you super jealous!).
If you are unsure about purchasing any of the packages, you have plenty of time to wait. Alpha 1 is planned to start sometime in the next few months, and one of these packages even grant access to Alpha 1. At best, they grant access to Alpha 2 and there are only rough estimates of when that will become available.
I felt the urge to be extra helpful, and copied descriptions of all the Pre-Order Packs available from the website.
Welcome to Ashes!
Wayfarer Pre-Order Pack - $75
Access to future Beta Two test phase
2 months of game time ($30 Value)
$25 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
Perdition’s Path (Accessory Cosmetic Skin)
Expeditionary Pre-Order Pack - $150
Access to future Beta One test phase
Access to future Beta Two test phase
4 months of game time ($60 Value)
$50 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
Perdition’s Path (Accessory Cosmetic Skin)
Embered Kit (Pet Cosmetic Skin)
Voyager Pre-Order Package - $250
Access to future Alpha Two test phase
Access to future Beta One test phase
Access to future Beta Two test phase
6 months of game time ($90 Value)
$100 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
Perdition’s Path (Accessory Cosmetic Skin)
Embered Kit (Pet Cosmetic Skin)
Fox of the Pyre (Mount Cosmetic Skin)
Voyager Plus Pre-Order Pack - $375
Access to future Alpha Two test phase
Access to future Beta One test phase
Access to future Beta Two test phase
9 months of game time ($135 value)
$125 in Embers (in-game marketplace credits, NO P2W!)
Perdition’s Path (Accessory Cosmetic Skin)
Embered Kit (Pet Cosmetic Skin)
Fox of the Pyre (Mount Cosmetic Skin)
Sunscorch Raiment (Costume Cosmetic Skin)
Flamefin Frigate (Naval Cosmetic Skin)
The Blazing Gate (Freehold Building Cosmetic Skin)
Name Reservation
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.