Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Melee Skills-Idea: Attack chains

MisterTeatimeMisterTeatime Member
edited 2020 25 in General Discussion
What are your thoughts on attack chains? I really liked it in other games when you had - for instance - an opener, a mid-tier attack and a powerful "finisher". The longer the chain, the more powerful the attacks get. There could be requirements like postitionals, dodge/evade or pre-block/parry or something like that to start that chain. For AoC, i could see this for melee action skills, would make melee fights more challenging and rewarding if implemented right into the balance.

Example: The Parry chain is a very effective 3 part chain, with the last in the chain proc’ing a long duration stun. If you can pull this off it can be devastating as the long stun allows you to move into postion for a side chain and start that as a follow-up. This is most effectively used in PvE as mobs are predictable. But the opportunity to pull this off in a PvP encounter is very tempting, and the reward would be high if it works.
“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.”
Terry Pratchett


  • Yup that's why we have Q/Left Click attacks - so you continue to attack while doing combos with abilities
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I really liked AIONs initial skillchain system.
    You had skill chain starters, who then branched out in two different directions (cc or dmg; aoe or single target).
    A good Gladiator could juggle an enemy for 15sec in the air for example.
  • maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I am a fan, but I wonder if it's too late to bring up these suggestions - some of the slashes looked like they had skill chain in the recent video - hard to say though
    I wish I were deep and tragic
  • UrgroshUrgrosh Member
    I feel like we heard about them doing this kind of thing? Don't know from where, but I swear they talked about chaining attacks with abilities. Pretty cool idea my dudes.
  • Damokles wrote: »
    I really liked AIONs initial skillchain system.
    You had skill chain starters, who then branched out in two different directions (cc or dmg; aoe or single target).
    A good Gladiator could juggle an enemy for 15sec in the air for example.

    AION skillchain were great. Too it didn't have any lateral movement and basically you hit each others faces while rooted in place.
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